Fifth International Workshop

on Accelerator Alignment

ANL/FNAL October 13 - 17, 1997

IWAA '97 logo

The following list provides access to (A)bstracts and (P)apers by sessions for the IWAA97. In order to view the submitted papers the ADOBE ACROBAT READER has to be installed. If your browser has not been setup with this software a free copy with installation instructions can be downloaded from the ADOBE Website . Papers marked with a (P)are available for viewing now while those with a (P) have not been received or converted to the PDF format. We will maintain this list and update it whenever new information for this workshop is available.

The organizers of the IWAA97 are greatful for the numerous contributions to the IWAA97 workshop and would like to thank the authors for their efforts.

Photo of IWAA '97 participants

Chin up -both of them- for the IWAA97

Foster Thompson from SLAC provided the following feature from the soon to be distributed CD containing the papers of all IWAA proceedings. Please click here. to view a picture in PDF format which provides names to the people in the above picture. Please use the BACK and FORWARD butten on your browser and not the green arrow in the zoomed pictures to get back to the initial PDF file.


    Session 1 : Status Reports from Accelerator Facilities around the World

    Session 2 : Alignment Instrumentation, Software and Methods (I)

    Session 3 : Alignment Instrumentation, Software and Methods (II)

    Session 4 : Beam Based Alignment and Metrology Aspects of Large Physics Installations

    Session 5 : Alignment topics pertaining to Linear Colliders, 4th Generation Light Sources and Related Facilities

    Session 6 : Contributions to the IAG / FIG joint session

    Session 7 : Posters

    (P) Keynote by Prof. F. Loeffler (DESY):

    Evolution of the Acclerator Alignment Methods at DESY over the past 30 years

Status Reports from Accelerator Facilities around the World 

  • (A), (P) J. P. Quesnel: The alignment of the LHC; Review of the metrology aspects
  • (A), (P) M. Pietryka: PEP-II Alignment
  • (A), (P) T. Sager: Status Report on the Survey and Alignment Efforts at Fermilab
  • (A), (P) F. Karl: Status Report For The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
  • (A), (P) G. Krebs: Survey and Alignment at the Advanced Light Source
  • (A), (P) C. Zhang: Alignment Result for the Magnet Units of SPring-8 Storage Ring
  • (A), (P) H. Friedsam: Status Report on the Long Term Stability of the APS

Alignment Instrumentation, Software and Methods (I)

  • (A), (P) C. Lecocq: A Modular Approach to Accelerator Alignment Data Analysis Software
  • (A), (P) M. Hemmer: Two Tier Client/Server Database Development For Alignment Data at RHIC and the AGS
  • (A), (P) Seung-Chan Lee: Measurement of Storage Ring Deformation and Smoothing Analysis for PLS
  • (A), (P) G. Wojcik: The Adjustment of the Fermilab Main Injector Underground Geodetic Survey
  • (A), (P) V. Bocean: The Geodetic Aspect of the Fermilab Main Injector Project
  • (A), (P) B. Oshinowo: The Alignment Concept for the FNAL Recycler Ring using Permanent Magnets

Alignment Instrumentation, Software and Methods (II)

  • (A), (P) B. Fuss: The SLAC Design and Manufacturing Process of Sphere mounted Reflectors
  • (A), (P) D. Martin: Mechanically Induced Influences on the ESRF SR Beam.
  • (A), (P) F. Tecker: HLS-based Closed Orbit Feed-back at LEP
  • (A), (P) L. Kivioja: A New Hydrostatic Leveling System
  • (A), (P) H. Imfeld: A High Accuracy Portable Hydrostatic Level

Beam Based Alignment and Metrology Aspects for Large Physics Installations

  • (A), (P) K. Endo: Test Results of the BBA Method at the TRISTAN Accumulation Ring
  • (A), (P) B. Dehning: Impact of Beam Based Alignment on Polarisation at LEP
  • (A), (P) S. Weisz: Alignment of the LHC experimental insertions.
  • (A), (P) D. P. Eartly: A Digital Readout CCD Optical Beam Position Sensor
  • (A), (P) C. Lasseur: Prospects of close range photogrammetry in large physics installations
  • (A), (P) S. Dell'Agnello: Survey and Alignment of the INFN Experiment KLOE at the LNF
  • (A), (P) A. Ostaptchouk: A Novel Alignment System for Tracking Chambers
  • (A), (P) A. Ostaptchouk: The Alignment Monitoring System for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer at the LHC

Alignment topics pertaining to Linear Colliders, 4th Generation Light Sources and Related Facilities

  • (A), (P) S. Milton: 4th Generation Light Source Alignment Issues
  • (A), (P) W. Coosemans: Stretched double wire method for CLIC alignment
  • (A), (P) F. Loeffler: Alignment of the Superconducting Cryostat for the Tesla Test Facility
  • (A), (P) W. Schwarz: Conception of the Alignment of the planned Linear Collider at DESY
  • (A), (P) M. Takano: Fine Alignment of the ATF Damping Ring
  • (A), (P) V. Shiltsev: Seismic Noise Studies for Fermilab Next Big Accelerator.

Contributions to the IAG / FIG joint session

  • (A), (P) J. A. Greenwood: Experiences with an Active Target Total Station for Precise Angle Measurement
  • (A), (P) R. Gottwald: Leica TDA5000 - Short Range Performance Tests with Corner Cube and Tooling Ball Reflectors
  • (A), (P) B. Boeckem: A high-accuracy alignment system based on the dispersion effect
  • (A), (P) R. Loser: Automated part positioning with the laser tracker
  • (A), (P) I. Pschorn: Results of the S&A of the accelerator facilities at GSI using the TASA System
  • (A), (P) P. Leteurtre: Capacitance-based high accuracy sensors for leveling and alignment
  • (A), (P) A. Dumont: Gamma 3D Metrology : A New Tool for Nuclear Industry
  • (A), (P) R. Johnson: EUCLID; A High Accuracy, Motion Compensated Laser Alignment System
  • (A), (P) B. Bridges: Considerations for the Measurement of Particle Accelerators with Laser Trackers
  • (A), (P) W. Schauerte: Determination of Vertical Refraction Using Digital Working Sensors


  • (A), (P) C. Curtis: Techniques Used in the Alignment of TJNAF's Accelerators and Experimental Halls.
  • (A), (P) E. Dijak: Challenges in cost cutting fixture design
  • (A), (P) K. Fukami: Magnet Alignment of SPring-8 Booster Synchrotron
  • (A), (P) S. Matsui: Elevation changes of the SPring-8 Storage Ring
  • (A), (P) P. Nerin: Absolute Distance and Velocity Measurements by Self-mixing Inside a Microchip Laser
  • (A), (P) M. Perry: Computer Aided Optical Tooling
  • (A), (P) M. Pietryka: Re-visiting SPEAR after 25 Years
  • (A), (P) S. Takeda: Active Mover Using Air-Spring and MLRB
  • (A), (P) B. Oshinowo: Magnet Alignment for the FERMILAB Main Injector (FMI) Project
  • (A), (P) W. Thur: Rigid, Adjustable Support of Aligned Elements via Six Struts
  • (A), (P) V. Bocean: The Precise Alignment of the Fermilab KTeV Experiment
  • (A), (P) R. Ruland: Alignment without Magnet Fiducials
  • (A), (P) S. Lakanen: Vertical Control Networks at Fermilab
  • (A), (P) I. Feier: The Poisson Alignment Reference System
  • (A), (P) B. Fuss: Initial Calibration of a High Resolution Digital Camera for Accelerator Alignment

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