Author: S. Takeda

Institution: KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization

Co-Author: K. Kudo, A. Akiyama, H. Matsumoto, T. Shintake, M. Yoshioka, Y. Takeuchi, Y. Kanazawa, T. Imazawa and M. Yasuda

Title of Presentation:

Active Mover Using Air-Spring and MLRB


The future TeV linear collider should have extremely small emittance to perform the required luminosity. Precise alignment of the machine components is essential to prevent emittance dilution. The ground motion spoils alignment of accelerator elements. In order to compensate the ground motion, an active supporting mover was developed using new idea. We are undertaking to test the quality for long term use of the mover. Our new mover is composed of an air- spring and two dimensional Multi-Lead-Rubber-Bearing (MLRB). The air-spring gives smooth and fine control comparing with the mechanical jack. We use MLRB to prevent fast popping motion of supporting table. Detailed design and characteristics of the mover are shown with LON control system.