Author: K. Endo

Institution: KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization

Co-Author: H. Fukuma, F.Q. Zhang

Title of Presentation:

Test Results of the BBA Method at the TRISTAN Accumulation Ring


Test Results of the BBA Method at the TRISTAN Accumulation Ring - K. ENDO, H. FUKUMA, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, and F.Q. ZHANG, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan -- According to the algorithm of beam-based alignment (BBA), the quadrupole displacement was given by generating the local orbit bump at an individual quadrupole and then the orbit distortions were measured with the beam position monitors all around the Accumulation Ring. Preliminary studies give the promising results with an accuracy comparable to or exceeding the conventional method if the position monitor is accurate as 0.01 mm or better[1]. However, the present results showed the discrepancies between the measurements and predictions. Modification of algorithm will be made to take the nonlinear effect arising from the sextupoles into consideration.

[1] K. Endo et al, EPAC96, Barcelona, 1996, pp.1657-9.