Fourth CW and High Average Power RF Workshop

     Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois USA
     May 1 - 4, 2006



Monday, May 1  
The Spallation Neutron Source Accumulator Ring RF System  T. Hardek, ORNL
Status of the SOLEIL RF Systems  C. Thomas-Madec, SOLEIL
60KW Solid-State Booster Amplifier M. Gaspar, PSI
Update: RF Projects at Jefferson Lab R. Nelson, JLAB
SPEAR RF Operation and Possible Changeover      S. Park, SLAC
Status of the ESRF Radio Frequency System J. Jacob, ESRF
SNS Klystron Developments D. Rees, LANL
Modern and Crowbarless HVPS W. Tron, PSI
Performance Report on the 20kV/25A Anode Power Supply System  Built for the KEK/ANL/ISIS Low Output Impedance Collaboration D. Horan, ANL

Tuesday, May 2  
150 kW Power Plant for the Elettra RF System Upgrade Project A. Fabris, Trieste
TRIUMF Cyclotron 23 MHz RF System Recent Improvements and Future Plans (.ppt file) Y. Bylinski, TRIUMF
5 MW 805 MHz SNS RF System Experience  K. Young, LANL
Development of TEM High Power RF Vector Modulators Y. Kang, ORNL
Coaxial Switch, High Power Load and Higher Harmonic Absorber for PROSCAN M. Schneider, PSI
Power Test of a 325 MHz Hybrid for Fermilab Proton Driver D. Sun, FNAL

Wednesday, May 3

Design and Applications of Polyphase Resonant Converter-Modulators W. Reass, LANL
High Power RF Systems in the Fermilab Linac A. Moretti, FNAL
LINAC Commissioning with the SNS HPRF Systems  M. McCarthy, ORNL
Clean up and Bead Pull of the LANSCE Coupled Cavity Linac Module 6 K. Young, LANL
The Partial Discharge Tests of the High-Voltage Cable and other  Components at the APS A. Cours, ANL
352 MHz Test Stand at the Advanced Photon Source  D. Horan, ANL
The Installation and Commissioning of the IPNS Third Cavity M. Middendorf, ANL
Bunch-by-Bunch Feedback and NC HOM Damped Cavities for Current Increase at the ESRF J. Jacob, ESRF
APS Particle Accumulator Ring Upgrades in Support of  Improvement in Bunch Purity and Operational Reliability A. Grelick, ANL

Thursday, May 4     
Feasibility of Short Pulses at the ESRF J. Jacob, ESRF
Superconducting Deflecting Cavities for Short X-Ray Pulse Generation at the Advanced Photon Source      A. Nassiri, ANL





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