Program for the Detector Workshop
APS Conference Room E1100


Thursday, Dec. 8th


  8:20 am

  Welcome and Workshop Logistics
  Dennis Mills, APS

  8:30 am   Program Introduction and Goals of Workshop
  Al Thompson, MBC, LBNL

Detector Requirements (Session Chairman – Al Thompson)

  9:00 am

  Detector Needs and Plans for X-ray Science
  Heinz Graafsma, ESRF

  9:45 am   Detector Needs and Plans for FEL Science
  Jerry Hastings, SSRL
  10:30 am   Coffee break
  11:00 am

  Detector Needs and Plans for SoftXR/VUV/IR Science
  Howard Padmore, ALS

  11:45 am   Overview of Detector Research for SR Science in Europe 
  Gareth Derbyshire, Diamond
  12:30 pm   No-host buffet Lunch (Guest House)

Imaging Detectors (Session Chairman – Denny Mills)

  1:30 pm   Analog Pixel Detectors
  Sol Gruner, CHESS
  2:15 pm   Drift Detectors for Imaging
  Lothar Strueder, MPIyeas
  3:00 pm

  Coffee Break

  3:45 pm   3D Active Area Pixel Detectors
  Ed Westbrook, MBC
  4:30 pm   Charge Coupled Devices
: Peter Denes, LBNL
  5:15 pm   Poster Session (Fifth Floor Gallery - Snacks and Cash Bar)
  7:00 pm   No-host Dinner at Argonne Guest House
  Entertainment by Gene Ice, Oak Ridge


Friday, Dec. 9th

Superconducting Detectors (Session Chairman – Sol Gruner)

  9:00 am

  Bolometer Arrays for High Resolution Spectroscopy
  Kent Irwin, NIST

  9:45 am   Superconducting Tunnel Junction Detectors
  Stephan Friedrich, LLNL
  10:15 am   Coffee Break
  What we can learn from High Energy Physics
  10:45 am   ATLAS Detectors
  Maurice Garcia-Sciveres, LBNL
  11:30 am   MAPS Detectors
  Grzegorz Deptuch, BNL
  12:15 pm   No-host buffet Lunch (Guest House)

Other Technology (Session Chairman – Al Thompson)

  1:15 pm

  Si Arrays for Spectroscopy / Diffraction
  Peter Siddons, NSLS

  1:45 pm   Channelplate Based Detectors
  Oswald Siegmund, SSL
  2:15 pm

  Coffee Break

  Roundtable Discussion and Summary
  2:45 pm   Discussion and Report Writing
  4:00 pm   Adjourn

Note: No part of these presentations may be reproduced without written permission of the author.