Nuclear Resonant Scattering on Earth Materials using Synchrotron Radiation

February 12-13, 2005
Advanced Photon Source
Argonne National Laboratory - Argonne, Illinois, USA


Program Book (pdf)

Friday, Feb. 11th

  07:00 pm

  Reception at Argonne Guest House


Saturday, Feb. 12th

Morning session, Building 402, room E 1100
Chair: Jay D. Bass

  09:00 am

  Wolfgang Sturhahn, Advanced Photon Source

  09:15 pm

  Prospective for Nuclear Resonant X-Ray Spectroscopy as a Major Tool for Deep Earth Studies
  Ho-kwang Mao, Carnegie Institution of Washington

  10:00 am

  An Introduction to Nuclear Resonant Spectroscopy
  Wolfgang Sturhahn, Advanced Photon Source

  10:45 am


  11:15 am

  Applications of NRIXS and NFS Techniques at High Pressures
  Viktor V. Struzhkin, Carnegie Institution of Washington

  11:50 am

  Nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering and synchrotron Mössbauer spectroscopy with laser heated diamond anvil cells
  Jung-Fu Lin, Carnegie Institution of Washington

  12:25 pm

  Lunch in the Gallery of Building 402


Afternoon session, Building 402, room E 1100
Chair: Ho-kwang Mao

  02:00 pm   Measuring velocity of sound with nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
  Michael Hu, HP-CAT & Carnegie Institution of Washington
  02:35 pm   Nuclear resonant x-ray scattering of iron hydride at high pressure
  Wendy Mao, University of Chicago
  03:10 pm   Nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering from 83Kr
  Jiyong Zhao, Advanced Photon Source
  03:45 pm


  04:15 pm   Iron valence, lattice distortion, and spin crossover in (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perosvkite: A synchrotron Mössbauer spectroscopy study to 120 GPa
  Jennifer M. Jackson, University of Illiniois at Urbana-Champaign
  04:50 am

  Synchrotron Mössbauer Spectroscopy at High Pressure and High Temperature
  Guoyin Shen, CARS-CAT & University of Chicago

  06:30 pm

  Dinner at the Guesthouse


Sunday, Feb. 13th

  09:00 am   Introduction to the Experiments
  Wolfgang Sturhahn, Advanced Photon Source (in Building 431, room C 010)
  09:30 am   Experiments at sector 3
  10:30 am   Coffeebreak in Building 431, room C 010
  11:00 am   Experiments at sector 3
  12:30 pm   Lunch in the Gallery of Building 402
  02:00 pm   Experiments at sector 3
  04:00 pm   Coffeebreak in Building 431, room C 010
  04:30 pm   Experiments at sector 3
  05:00 pm   Near term prospects for nuclear resonant scattering at the APS
  Ercan E. Alp, Advanced Photon Source (in Building 402, room E 1100)