Comprehensive Program


Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday
Monday, April 28, 2003
9:00 am--4:00 pm Registration, Bldg. 402, Lobby
9:00 am--4:00 pm Exhibitor Set-up, Bldg. 402, Gallery
1:00--5:00 pm Workshop 1: Imaging
Bldg. 402, APS Conference Center, Lecture Hall


Tuesday, April 29, 2003
7:30 am--5:00 pm Registration, Bldg. 401, Atrium
7:30--8:30 am Continental Breakfast, Bldg. 402, Lower-level patio, under the tent
8:00 am--5:00 pm Poster Set-up, Bldg. 400
8:00 am--5:00 pm Vendor Exhibits, Bldg. 402, Gallery
8:30 am--Noon Workshop 1: Imaging (cont'd.)
Building 401, Room A5000
Workshop 2: High Throughput
Bldg. 402, APS Conference Center, Room E1100/E1200
Workshop 3: Nanoscience A
Forging the Revolution--Institutes and Facilities for Nanoscience
Bldg. 402, APS Conference Center, Lecture Hall
10:00--10:30 am Refreshments, Bldg. 402, Gallery
11:30 am--1:30 pm Lunch, Bldg. 402, Lower-level patio, under the tent
1:00--4:00 pm Workshop 1: Imaging (cont'd.)
Building 401, Room A5000
Workshop 2: High Throughput (cont'd.)
Bldg. 401, Room E1100/E1200
Workshop 4: Nanoscience B
Self-assembly--From Molecules to Materials
Bldg. 402, APS Conference Center, Lecture Hall
Workshop 5: National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering,
Alumni Presentations

Bldg. 402, APS Conference Center, Room A1100
4:00--6:00 pm Poster Session and Refreshments, Building 400
6:00--7:30pm Research Directorate/Partner User Council Dinner Meeting
Building 617, Argonne Exchange Club


Wednesday, April 30, 2003
8:00 am----5:00 pm Registration, Bldg. 401, Atrium
8:00--9:00 am Continental Breakfast, Bldg. 402, Lower-level patio, under the tent
8:00 am--5:00 pm Vendor Exhibits, Bldg. 402, Gallery

Opening Session: Bldg. 402, Lecture Hall; Paul Zschack, Chair
9:00--9:05 am Welcome
Paul Zschack, Chair, APS Users Organization Steering Committee
9:05--9:10 am Welcome
Hermann Grunder, Director, Argonne National Laboratory
9:10--9:20 am View from the Hill
Paul Doucette, Washington Office of Illinois Rep. Judy Biggert
9:20--9:50 am DOE Perspective
Patricia Dehmer, DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences
9:50--10:10 am The Center for Nanoscale Materials
Beverly Hartline, Acting Director, Center for Nanoscale Materials
10:10--10:30 am Refreshments, Bldg. 402, Gallery
10:30--10:50 am Legislation and Science
Sue Ginsberg, American Physical Scciety
10:50--11:20 am APS Update
J. Murray Gibson, Associate Laboratory Director for the APS
11:20 am--12:05 pm APS Compton Awards and Acceptance Talk
Martin Blume, American Physical Society
12:05--1:30 pm Lunch, Bldg. 402, Lower-level patio, under the tent

User Science at the APS -- Session I: Bldg. 402, Lecture Hall; Sunil Sinha, Chair
1:30--2:10 pm A New View of Insect Biomechanics: Synchrotron X-ray Imaging of Insect Respiration and Feeding
Mark Westneat, The Field Museum of Chicago
2:10--2:50 pm Electronic Excitations in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
John Hill, Brookhaven National Laboratory
2:50--3:10 pm Refreshments, Bldg. 402, Gallery
3:10--3:50 pm Structural Basis of Gating by the Outer Membrane Transporter FecA
Andrew D. Ferguson, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
3:50--4:30 Exploring the Chemist's Gallery of Molecular Assemblies with High-angle X-ray Scattering
David M. Tiede, Chemistry Division, Argonne National Laboratory
4:30--6:30 pm Poster Session, Bldg. 400
6:45 pm--?????? Banquet, "Synchro de Mayo"
Argonne Guest House


Thursday, May 1, 2003
8:00--9:00 am Continental Breakfast, Bldg. 402, Lower-level patio, under the tent
8:00 am--3:00 pm Exhibits, Bldg. 402, Gallery

User Science at the APS -- Session II: Bldg. 402, Lecture Hall; Stephen Durbin, Chair
8:30--9:10 am Using X-ray Scattering to Understand Formation and Dynamics of Nanoscale Ferroelectric Domains
Carol Thompson, Northern Illinois University
9:10--9:50 am Biology of TiO2-Oligonucleotide Nanocomposites
Gayle Woloschak, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University
9:50--10:30 am Submicron-Resolution Three-Dimensional X-Ray Structural Microscopy
Bennett Larson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
10:30--10:50 am Refreshments, Bldg. 402, Gallery
10:50--11:20 am Recent APS Operational Enhancements
Glenn Decker, APS Operations Division
11:20--11:30 am APSUO Steering Committee Election Results
Announcement of Student Poster Prize Winners
11:30--12:00 noon Roundtable Discussion: New Scientific Directions for the APS
Gopal Shenoy and Sunil Sinha, Facilitators
Noon--1:30 pm Lunch, Bldg. 402, Lower-level patio, under the tent
12:15--1:30 pm Joint Luncheon Meeting of the Incoming and Outgoing APS Users Organization Steering Committees
Bldg. 401, Room A5000
1:00--5:00 pm Workshop 7: In-situ Chemistry
Bldg. 402, APS Conference Center, Room E1100/E1200
1:30--5:00 pm Workshop 6: Nanoscience C
Controlling Interactions in Complex Materials

Bldg. 402, APS Conference Center, Lecture Hall
3:00--3:30 pm Refreshments, Bldg. 402, Gallery


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