Workshop 1: Biological Applications of X-ray Microscopy and Imaging

Hosted by Experimental Facilities Division, Argonne National Laboratory, and
Department of Radiology, Northwestern University Medical Center

Co-organizers: Barry Lai, Gayle Woloschak, Jörg Maser, Stefan Vogt, and Tatjana Paunesku
Bldg. 402, APS Conference Center Lecture Hall (Monday session)
Bldg. 401, A5000 (Tuesday sessions)


Advances in x-ray sources and optics have allowed novel study of biomaterials including cells and microorganisms at sub-optical resolution. Using fluorescent, spectrometric, and imaging approaches, the elemental and chemical state of trace metals, as well as of major constituents, can be studied quantitatively at high sensitivity and with minimum specimen preparation. This workshop, hosted jointly by the APS and the Northwestern University Medical Center, is the second to discuss current capabilities of x-ray microscopy and to identify novel applications. Key contemporary microscopy and imaging techniques will be highlighted, followed by x-ray applications in microbiology, cellular differentiation, and cancer research. Ample time will be allowed for open discussion with feedback from attendees.

Monday, April 28, 2003; Afternoon Session


1:00 p.m. Registration
1:30 Welcome/Introduction
1:45 Quantitative Determination of Biological Structure and Composition by Electron Microscopy
Richard Leapman, National Institutes of Health
2:15 Trends in Optical Microscopy: Current Methodologies and Novel Approaches to Bioimaging
Gary Holtom, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
2:45 Applications of X-ray Micro-fluorescence in Biology and
Jean Susini, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
3:15 Refreshments
3:45 Understanding the Intracellular Environment of Pathogens: The Mycobacterial Example
Luiz Bermudez, Oregon State University
4:15 Two Modalities are Better than One: MicroCT and Microbeam Diffraction Studies of Biomineralization
Stuart Stock, Northwestern University
4:45 Diffraction Enhanced Imaging: New Methods, New Applications
Dean Chapman, Illinois Institute of Technology
6:00 No-host Dinner, Argonne Guest House


Tuesday, April 29, 2003; Morning Session

9:00 a.m. Present Status and Future Development of a Hard X-ray Microprobe
Barry Lai, APS Experimental Facilities Division, Argonne National Laboratory
9:30 Opening the Black Box: Trace Element Concentrations and Distributions in Free-living Marine Protists Determined with a High Spatial Resolution X-ray Fluorescence Microprobe
Stephen Baines, State University of New York-Stony Brook
10:00 Hard X-ray Microprobe Investigations of the Distributions of Metals in Prokaryotes
Ken Kemner, Environmental Research Division, Argonne National Laboratory
10:30 Refreshments
11:00 Complementary Elements: Soft X-ray Spectromicroscopy for Light Element Chemical Mapping and Analysis Methods
Chris Jacobsen, State University of New York-Stony Brook
11:30 X-Ray Microprobe Studies of Hemochromatosis Liver Tissues and Related Microspectroscopy and Spectromicroscopy Applications
T. K. Sham, University of Western Ontario
12:00 Lunch, Lower-level patio, under the tent


Tuesday, April 29, 2003; Afternoon Session

1:00 p.m. Clinical Applications of Microprobe Analysis
Ann LeFurgey, Duke University Medical Center
1:30 The Chemistry of Biological Molecular Imaging
Tom Meade, Northwestern University
2:00 Control and Detection of Intracellular Transition Metals: New Fluorescent Probes for Zinc Cell Biology
Tom O'Halloran, Northwestern University
2:30 Quantitative and Spatial Changes in Metal Distributions are Intrinsic and Obligatory Characteristics of Myeloid Cell Differentiation
Dave Glesne, Biochip Technology Center, Argonne National Laboratory
3:00 Refreshments
3:30 Probing the Fate of Platinum (IV) Anticancer Drugs in Cancer Cells and in Solid Tumours
Trevor Hambley, University of Sydney
4:00 Data Analysis for X-ray Fluorescence Imaging and its Application to the Mapping of TiO2-ligonucleotide Nanocomposites in Mammalian Cells
Stefan Vogt, APS Experimental Facilities Division, Argonne National Laboratory
4:30 Discussion/Conference Summary
Peter Ingram, Discussion Leader, Duke University Medical Center and APS Scientific Advisory Committee