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2005 Beams and Applications Seminars

December 6 Numerical Modeling of Field-Enhanced Photoemission from Metals and Coated Materials (slides)

Kevin L. Jensen
Naval Research Laboratory

October 28 Accelerator Physics Challenges in the Spallation Neutron Source Ring (slides) Sarah M. Cousineau
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, SNS
October 21 Simulations and Studies of Collective Beam Effects at Fermilab (slides) Panagiotis Spentzouris
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
October 20 An Inquiry into Transverse Stability of the NSLS-II Storage Ring

Samuel Krinsky
NSLS,Brookhaven National Laboratory

September 30 Ultra-high Intensity Ti:Sapphire/KrF^* Hybrid Laser System Xiangyang Song
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
September 2 Simulation of Smith-Purcell Radiation using a Particle-In-Cell Code

Jack T. Donahue
the Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Bordeaux Gradignan

August 12

Generating Picosecond X-ray Pulse at APS through Beam Manipulation (slides)

Weiming Guo
Argonne National Laboratory, ASD
August 5 An Analysis of Smith-Purcell Free-Electron Lasers Vinit Kumar
Argonne National Laboratory, ASD
July 29 Single-shot characterization of subpicosecond electron bunches at the SLAC SPPS experiment David M. Fritz
Dept. of Physics, University of Michigan
July 15 Characterization of the Chaotic or Regular Nature of Dynamical Orbits:  A New, Fast Method Ioannis (Yanni) V. Sideris
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois
June 24 Exploring the Physics of Charge Particle Beams with Green's Functions Mark Hess
Physics Department, Indiana University
June 17 Microwave Deflectors:  Normal Conducting Crab Cavity for APS and Discussion of Microwave Modulators (slides) Valery Dolgashev
June 10 FLASH:Type-1a Supernovae and Supercomputing Katherine M Riley
Argonne National Laboratory
May 31 Multi-Objective Optimization Approach to ILC Damping Ring Design Louis Emery
Argonne national Laboratory
May 26 Wakefield Calculations for the Synchrotron Light Source Petra III (slides) Rainer Wanzenberg
DESY, Germany
May 25 PETRA III-A new high brilliant x-ray light source Klaus Balewski
DESY, Germany
May 24 Commissioning of the VUV-FEL user facility at DESY Bart Faatz
DESY, Germany
April 25 Development, Verification, and Validation of Multiscale Methods for Simulating High-Brightness Beams Courtlandt L. Bohn
Northern Illinois University
April 22 RF breakdown and Surface Studies Jim Norem
Argonne National Laboratory
April 8 Superconducting RF activities at Los Alamos-My five years of experience Tsuyoshi Tajima
Los Alamos National Laboratory
April 1 Review of fast beam chopping (abstract) Fritz Caspers
March 30 Status of the Novosibirsk terahertz FEL and future Nikolay A. Vinokurov
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
March 29 Project of the X-ray ring FEL Nikolay A. Vinokurov
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
February 25 Free electron lasers with slowly-varying beam and undulator parameters Zhirong Huang
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
February 25 Computing transfer maps from surface field data in 3 dimensions Alex Dragt
University of Maryland
February 18 Angular momentum dominated electron beam and flat beam generation Yin-e Sun
University of Chicago
February 18 The drive laser for the LCLS RF photoinjector: issues and developments Paul Bolton
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
January 26 The Superconducting Module and Test Facility (SMTF) (slides) Shekhar Mishra
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory


B&A Seminar chair:

2005 - 2006    C.-x. Wang, ASD
2003 - 2005    Y. Li, ASD

U.S. Department of Energy UChicago Argonne LLC Office of Science - Department of EnergyOffice of Basic Energy Sciences - Department of Energy
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