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Workshop Summary Session (Summaries of Workshop Sessions)
Chair: Katherine Harkay (ANL)

Electron Cloud Effects and Two-Stream Instabilities at High Intensity, Medium Energy Proton Rings
Robert Kustom

Secondary Emission, Surface Effects and Coatings
Oswald Gröbner

Electron Cloud Effects and Two-Stream Instabilities at Electron, Positron Rings and Photon Sources, and High Energy Proton Rings
Miguel A. Furman

I. Electron Cloud Effects and Two-Stream Instabilities at High Intensity, Medium Energy Proton Rings
Chair: Robert Kustom (ANL)

Electron-Proton Instability in the CERN ISR
Bruno Zotter (CERN)

Postworkshop Contribution:
Memo: Conclusions of the Workshop
Bruno Zotter (CERN)

Overview of New Developments on the PSR Instability
Robert Macek (LANL)

Electrons at the PSR
Andrew Browman (LANL)

Wide Band BPM Measurements of Unstable PSR Beam
A. Alexandrov (ORNL)

Estimating Electron Proton Instability Thresholds
Mike Blaskiewicz (BNL)    [ps]

Vlasov-Maxwell Description of Electron-Proton Two-Stream Instability in High-Intensity Accelerators and Rings
Ron Davidson (PPPL)

3D Multispecies Nonlinear Perturbative Particle Simulations of Two-Stream Instabilities in Intense Particle Beams
Hong Qin (PPPL)

Simulation of PSR Instability
Tai-Sen Wang (LANL)

Some Features of Transverse Instabilities in Small Scale Storage Rings
Vadim Dudnikov (FNAL)

Postworkshop Contribution:
Electron-Proton Instabilities for Intense Proton Rings
King-Yuen Ng (FNAL)

II. Electron Cloud Effects and Two-Stream Instabilities at Electron, Positron Rings and Photon Sources
Chair: Miguel Furman (LBNL)

Perspective on Electron Cloud Effects
Katherine Harkay (ANL)

Experiment on Photoelectron Instability at BEPC and KEKB
Hitoshi Fukuma (KEK)

Observation of the Beam Induced Multipactoring at PEP-II
Sam Heifets (SLAC)

Electron Detectors for Diagnostics of Electron Cloud Effects
Richard Rosenberg (ANL)

Electron Cloud Effects at APS
Katherine Harkay (ANL)

The Fast Beam-Ion Instability and Measurements at the ALS
Tor Raubenheimer (SLAC)

Effect of Tune Shift in Fast Ion Instability
Gennady Stupakov (SLAC)

Observation of Fast Beam-Ion Instability in PLS/KEKB
Jung Yun Huang (PAL)

Ion-Electron Beam Oscillations at Bates
Chris Tschalaer (Bates)

III. Secondary Emission, Surface Effects and Coatings
Chair: Oswald Gröbner (CERN)

Secondary Electron Emission From Accelerator Materials
Robert Kirby (SLAC)

Surface Conditioning of Accelerator Components: Secondary Electron Yield and Chemical Analysis
Richard Rosenberg (ANL)

Study of Surface Characteristics Determining the Electron Cloud Growth
Noel Hilleret (CERN)

Beam Scraping Effect in SE Production
S.Y. Zhang (BNL)

TiN coatings by RF Enhanced Sputtering
Ka-Ngo Leung (LBNL)

IV. Electron Cloud Effects and Two-Stream Instabilities at High Energy Proton Rings
Chair: Miguel Furman (LBNL)

Observations of the Electron Cloud Effects at the CERN SPS
Gianluigi Arduini (CERN)

Electron-Cloud Simulations for SPS and LHC
Frank Zimmermann (CERN)

Implications of the Electron Cloud Effect on the Design of the LHC Vacuum System
Oswald Gröbner (CERN)

A TW Multi-Wire Chamber Experimental Set-up to Simulate Bunch Induced Multipacting
Mauro Pivi (CERN)

Short Summary of the Electron Cloud Session of the Recent Chamonix Workshop
Frank Zimmermann

V. Panel Discussion on Future Directions and Workshop Recommendations
Chair: Fred Mills (FNAL)

Panel: Robert Kustom, Miguel Furman, Oswald Grobner, Katherine Harkay, Robert Macek, Hitoshi Fukuma, Robert Kirby, Ron Davidson, Frank Zimmerman

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