issue tracking with canonical kick elements and sync. tune calculation

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Philippe Piot
Posts: 83
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issue tracking with canonical kick elements and sync. tune calculation

Post by Philippe Piot » 03 Jan 2018, 22:00

Michael, All,
I have converted some file from madx into elegant to simulate an electron ring in elegant and I encounter two problems I seems to no be able to solve.
First I track particle through the ring (see tracking1.ele) and it works fine when I use the matrix elements. If I convert this lattice to include canonical kick (transforming quad in kquad, sextupole in ksext and sbend in csbend using the included script mk_canonical_elem.awk ) I observe that the beam is lost after a few turns (see tracking2.ele). I am attaching all my files the elements are all described in the elements.lte file
Second (and I suppose this is related), I have adapted the synchrotron-tune example to run on my lattice (see syncTune.ele) and even for the simple case of a lattice described with matrices I do not see the synchrotron oscillations.

Thank you for any suggestion. Sorry for dumping all my files, I tried to make things simpler (by modifying the corresponding PAR examples) but somehow it always work for this lattice so I suspect something is wrong in my .lte file.

Best, -- Philippe.
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Re: issue tracking with canonical kick elements and sync. tune calculation

Post by michael_borland » 08 Jan 2018, 09:04


I looked at the file elements_can.lte, and found several statements with a missing comma, e.g.,

Code: Select all

M1R:  CSBEND,  L=0.3665191429, ANGLE=0.5235987756  , integration_order=4, n_kicks=20, &
             nonlinear=1, synch_rad=1n_kicks=10, synch_rad=1
The second line, in addition to having "synch_rad=1" twice, is missing a comma after the first occurrence. This would result in the n_kicks parameter being ignored, which could well be the source of the problem, particularly since it occurs in every CSBEND definition.

Similarly, you have a missing comma after "K1=..." in several statements of the form

Code: Select all

QA1R:  KQUADRUPOLE,  L= 0.21, K1 = -8.74423592  n_kicks=10, synch_rad=1

Philippe Piot
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Re: issue tracking with canonical kick elements and sync. tune calculation

Post by Philippe Piot » 09 Jan 2018, 20:13

Hi Michael,
Indeed fixing the error your pointed out fixed my issues (sorry for missing these ones!). I can now track with canonical kick but still if I use a modified version of the synchrotron tune example I always observe some energy loss (for instance the attached plot show the evolution of the mean energy as function of passes).
Is there something I am missing with the rf_setup? I defined my cavity in the elements_can.lte as a simple RFCA (no parameter defined). The ele file I am referring to is synchTune.ele .

Thank you, -- Philippe.
Screen Shot 2018-01-09 at 7.07.42 PM.png
plot of Cdelta vs Pass#
tar file of the ele and lte file
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Re: issue tracking with canonical kick elements and sync. tune calculation

Post by michael_borland » 10 Jan 2018, 10:24


I see three problems:

(1) There are still some element definition errors for CSBEND in elements_can.lte, as previously noted.

(2) You are using SYNCH_RAD=1 on the CSBEND, KQUAD, and KSEXT elements, but your beamline (iota_osc_sr) also includes an SREFFECTS element. This means you have twice the synchrotron radiation you want. You should either use element-by-element radiation or SREFFECTS, not both.

(3) The lattice has alphac<0, which rf_setup is not able to handle (the phase will be wrong). You can fix this but just defining the rf cavity as follows

Code: Select all

cavity: rfca, freq=3.000119966120951e+07, L=0.05, volt=1.406029992468405e+03, phase=0.570566001399379
I'll fix rf_setup in the next release to address this.

With these changes, there is still a slow linear drift in the momentum offset. I also see oscillations in the horizontal coordinates. This is synchro-betatron coupling from the large dispersion at the cavity, since I was able to greatly reduce the horizontal motion and the momentum offset drift by moving the cavity to a low-dispersion location.

With the cavity in the high-dispersion location, the beam is eventually lost. When the cavity is in a high-dispersion location, the kicks from the cavity result in a horizontal betatron oscillation. This is sufficient to cause path-lengthening, which causes drift in the phase. That causes increasingly large voltage kicks, and things run away.


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Re: issue tracking with canonical kick elements and sync. tune calculation

Post by michael_borland » 10 Jan 2018, 10:35


Actually, I think the synchro-betatron instability is a result of some error I introduced in my testing. If I use the following

Rf setup: frequency is 3.000119966120951e+07 Hz (h=4)
Voltage per cavity is 1.406029992468405e+02 V, phase is 5.739170477266787e+00 deg

it seems stable


Philippe Piot
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Re: issue tracking with canonical kick elements and sync. tune calculation

Post by Philippe Piot » 11 Jan 2018, 05:52

Hi Michael,
Thank you very much. It does work fine now. Out of curiosity how did you set up the phase and amplitude? Your number seems to be obtained from rf_setup Do you have already a version where rf_setup can handle alphac<0? If so would you be able to provide a patch so I could recompile ELEGANT accordingly? Thank you very much for all your help. -- Philippe.

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Re: issue tracking with canonical kick elements and sync. tune calculation

Post by michael_borland » 11 Jan 2018, 09:04


Yes, there is a version that works for alphac<0. The relevant file is attached.


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Re: issue tracking with canonical kick elements and sync. tune calculation

Post by michael_borland » 12 Jan 2018, 09:12

Second try posting the fix.
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