Attaching apertures to elements

Moderators: cyao, michael_borland

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Posts: 38
Joined: 06 Aug 2008, 14:02

Attaching apertures to elements

Post by fliller » 26 Nov 2008, 08:28


I would like to take a lattice with apertures, add errors to the lattice and have the apertures move with the elements (for example if I set dx=1mm, I'd like the aperture xCenter to move 1mm). Currently I do have an aperture file that I can use, but I don't know how to move the xCenter with the elements without writing a script. Is there a way to do this in elegant?? If not, can I make a feature request to make XHalfAperture and yHalfAperture to be element parameters or some equivalent?

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Re: Attaching apertures to elements

Post by michael_borland » 26 Nov 2008, 13:18


I can't think of a good way to do this while using the aperture file to specify the apertures. If you are willing to insert RCOL or ECOL elements in the lattice instead, then you can use link_elements to link the DX and DY values of the apertures to the quadrupoles.

It is probably not that hard to upgrade elegant to give elements the ability to "drag" the aperture around. I'll put it on my list of things to add.


Posts: 38
Joined: 06 Aug 2008, 14:02

Re: Attaching apertures to elements

Post by fliller » 26 Nov 2008, 16:17


Thanks. It works. Messy, but it works.


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