Advanced Photon Source
A U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science,
Office of Basic Energy Science national synchrotron x-ray research facility
Argonne National Laboratory
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Organizing Committee

• Wolfgang Sturhahn (ANL)
• Jay D. Bass (UIUC)
• Guoyin Shen (U of C)
• Michael Lerche(UIUC)


Friday, Oct. 28th

  07:00 pm

  Reception at Argonne Guest House


Saturday, Oct. 29th

Morning session, Building 431, room C010

  9:00 am   Welcome
  Wolfgang Sturhahn, Advanced Photon Source
  9:15 am   Introduction to Synchrotron Mössbauer Spectroscopy
  E. Ercan Alp
  10:15 am

  An Introduction to the CONUSS software (Part I)
  Wolfgang Sturhahn, Advanced Photon Source

  10:45 am


  11:15 am

  An Introduction to the CONUSS software (Part II)
  Wolfgang Sturhahn, Advanced Photon Source

  12:25 pm

  Lunch in the Gallery of Building 401


Afternoon session, Building 431, room C010

  02:00 pm   Hands on training on CONUSS
  03:45 pm


  04:50 am

  Hands on training on CONUSS

  06:00 pm

  Dinner at the Guesthouse


Sunday, Oct. 30th, Building 431, room C010

  09:30 am   Open discussion: common experimental issues
  10:30 am   Coffeebreak
  11:00 am   Hands on training on CONUSS
  12:30 pm   Lunch in the Gallery of Building 401
  02:00 pm   Hands on training on CONUSS  
  04:00 pm   Coffeebreak
  04:30 pm   Adjourn

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