Argonne National Laboratory Workshop for High Resolution X-ray analysis in Biological Systems:
New Opportunities
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  Opening session    
8:30 AM Welcome Gabrielle Long Argonne National Lab, Advanced Photon Source
8:45 AM Scope of workshop and vision for the Bio nanoprobe Gayle Woloschak Northwestern University, Dept. Radiology and Dept. Cell and Molecular Biology
9:15 AM Hard x-ray microscopy: Capabilities and Opportunities Stefan Vogt Argonne National Lab, Advanced Photon Source
9:45 AM Chemical imaging of biological tissues using a combination of synchrotron-based infrared and x-ray microspectroscopy and epifluorescence microscopy Lisa Miller Brookhaven National Lab, National Synchrotron Light Source
10:15 AM coffee/tea break    
Session 1:  Intrinsic Trace metals in Cell Biology and Pathology    
10:45 AM Metalloproteomics in Angiogenesis David Glesne Argonne National Lab, Bio-Division
11:15 AM Metal distributions in the hippocampus
James Penner-Hahn
University of Michigan, Department of Chemistry
11:45 AM Signaling cardiac muscle injury with the Zn2+ chelator muscle-LIM protein Brad Palmer University of Vermont, Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics 
12:15 PM Manganese Versus Iron in Bacterial Survival Larry Wackett University of Minnesota, Department of Biochemistry
12:45 PM lunch    
Session 2: Intrinsic trace metals and their role in development/inhibition of diseases    
2:00 PM Trace Metals and Bacterial Infections Dirk Wagner University Freiburg, Medical Department
2:30 PM Biomedical Applications of X-Ray microscopy Peter Lay University of Sydney,School of Chemistry
3:00 PM Copper Exposure Enhances Alzheimer's Pathology Xudong Huang Massachusetts General Hospital,  Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease
3:30 PM coffee/tea break    
Session 3:  Intrinsic trace metals and their role in development/inhibition of diseases (contd)    
4:00 PM Metals in Malaria Tom O’Halloran
Northwestern University, Dept. of Chemistry
4:30 PM X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy In Situ Quantification of Metals/Elements in Alzheimer Disease Eileen Bigio Northwestern University, Dept. of Pathology
5:00 PM The Fate of Platinum(IV) Anti-Cancer Agents in Cancer Cells and Spheroids Trevor Hambley University of Sydney,School of Chemistry
5:30 PM conclude    
6:00 PM no host dinner at guest house, (open discussion)    
Session 4 Cell manipulation (intracellular and environmental)    
8:30 AM Subcellular Localization of TiO2-DNA Nanocomposites Tanja Paunesku Northwestern University, Radiology Dept.
9:00 AM Quantification of MR Contrast Agents in Mammalian Cells Thomas Meade Northwestern University, Dept. of Chemistry
9:30 AM Cellular stoichiometry to global elemental cycles: the effect of Fe addition on cellular stoichiometry of oceanic protists Stephen Baines State University of New York, Marine Sciences Research Center
10:00 AM coffee/tea break    
10:30 AM Thrust of discussion Gayle Woloschak Northwestern University, Dept. Radiology and Dept. Cell and Molecular Biology
10:40 AM Guided discussion Peter Ingram and Lee Makowskikowsky Duke University Medical Center and Argonne National Lab, Biosciences Division
12:00 PM Summary and close-out (including to-do-list for participants Gayle Woloschak Northwestern University, Dept. Radiology and Dept. Cell and Molecular Biology



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