Reading List

J. Galayda, K.-J. Kim, and J. Murphy, "Greenfield FELs," presented at the BESAC Subcommittee on BES 20-year Facility Road Map, February 22-24, 2003.

A. Emission Processes:

  1. A. Modinos, "Electron Emission from Free-Electron Metals," Chapter 1 in Field, Thermionic, and Secondary Electron Emission Spectroscopy, (Plenum Press, New York: 1984), pp. 1-34.
  2. K.L. Jensen, P.G. O'Shea, and D.W. Feldman, "Generalized electron emission model for field, thermal, and photoemission," Appl. Phys. Lett., 81, 3867 (2002).
  3. A. Valfells, D.W. Feldman, M. Virgo, and P.G. O'Shea, "Effects of pulse-length and emitter area on virtual cathode formation in electron guns," Physics of Plasmas, 9, 2377 (2002).
  4. K.L. Jensen, "Electron emission theory and its application:  Fowler-Nordheim equation and beyond," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 21(4), 1528 (2003).

B. Beam Conditioning:

  1. A.M. Sessler, D.W. Whittum, and L.-H. Yu, "Radio-frequency beam condition for fast-wave free-electron generators of coherent radiation," PRL, 68, 309 (1992).
  2. S. Reiche, "Compensation of FEL gain reduction by emittance effects in a strong focusing lattice," NIMA, A445, 90 (2000).
  3. P. Emma and G. Stupakov, "Limitations of electron beam conditioning for free-electron lasers," Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 6, 030701 (2003).

C. RF Photocathode Beam Dynamics:

  1. K.-J. Kim, "RF and Space Charge Effects in Laser-Driven RF Electron Guns," Nucl. Instrum. Methods, A275, 201 (1989).
  2. L. Serafini and J.B. Rosenzweig, "Envelope analysis of intense relativistic quasilaminar beams in rf photo-injectors:  A theory of emittance compensation," PRE, 55, 7565 (1997).
  3. L. Serafini and M. Ferrario, "New generation issues in the beam physics of RF laser driven electron photo-injectors," Proc. SPIE Photonic West 99:  Free Electron Laser Challenges, San Jose, CA, USA (1999).
  4. B.E. Carlsten and D.T. Palmer, "Enhanced emittance compensation in a high-frequency RF photo-injector using RF radial focusing," NIMA, A425, 37 (1999).