11th Users Meeting Logo



Adjunct Meetings
APSUO Elections
Call for Poster Abstracts
Comprehensive Program
Compton Award
General Information
Workshop Descriptions

Comprehensive Program
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday


Monday, October 8, 2001
Noon-4:00pm Exhibitor Set-up, Bldg. 402, Gallery
Tuesday, October 9, 2001
7:30am-5:00pm Registration, Bldg. 402, Lobby
7:30-8:30am Continental Breakfast, Bldg. 402, Lower-level pation, under the tent
8:00am-5:00pm Poster Set-up, Bldg. 402, Lower-level patio, under the tent
8:00am-5:00pm Exhibits, Bldg. 402, Gallery
8:30am-Noon Workshop 1: Nanoscale Science Using Synchrotron Techniques (Part I)
Bldg. 402, APS Conference Center, Lecture Hall

Workshop 2: Structural Biology for the New Millennium (Part I)
Bldg. 402, APS Conference Center, Room E1100/E1200

Workshop 3: Environmental Science (Part I)
Bldg. 401, Room A1100
10:00-10:30am Refreshments, Bldg. 402, Gallery
Noon-1:30pm Lunch, Bldg. 402, Lower-level patio, under the tent
1:00-3:00pm APS Research Directorate Meeting, Bldg. 401, A5000
1:30-5:00pm Workshop 1: Nanoscale Science Using Synchrotron Techniques (Part II)
Bldg. 402, APS Conference Center, Lecture Hall

Workshop 2: Structural Biology for the New Millennium (Part II)
Bldg. 402, APS Conference Center, Room E1100/E1200

Workshop 3: Environmental Science (Part II)
Bldg. 401, Room A1100
3:00-3:30pm Refreshments, Bldg. 402, Gallery
5:00-9:00pm CAT Meetings
7:00-9:30pm Workshop 4: APS 101: Introduction to the APS
Bldg. 402, APS Conference Center, Room E1100/E1200
Wednesday, October 10, 2001
8:00am-5:00pm Registration, Bldg. 401, Atrium
8:00-9:00am Continental Breakfast, Bldg. 402, Lower-level patio, under the tent
8:00am-3:30pm Poster Set-up, Bldg. 402, Lower-level patio, under the tent
8:00am-5:00pm Exhibits, Bldg. 402, Gallery
Opening Session; Bldg. 402, Lecture Hall; Eric Isaacs, Chair
9:00-9:05am Welcome
Eric Isaacs, Chair, APS Users Organization
9:05-9:15am Welcome
Beverly Hartline, Argonne National Laboratory Deputy Director
9:15-9:45am DOE Perspective
Patricia Dehmer, DOE Basic Energy Sciences
9:45-10:15am APS Overview
Gopal Shenoy, Interim Associate Laboratory Director for the APS
10:15-10:45am Refreshments, Bldg. 402, Gallery
10:45-11:15am APS Facility Report
Michael Borland, APS Operations Division
11:15-Noon APS Compton Award and Acceptance Talk
Wayne Hendrickson, Columbia University
Noon-1:30pm Lunch, Bldg. 402, Lower-level patio, under the tent
User Science at the APS-Session I; Bldg. 402, Lecture Hall; David Moncton, Chair
1:30-2:10pm The Atomic Structures of the Two Ribosomal Subunits at Various Conformational States
Ada Yonath, Weizmann Institute and Max-Planck Institute
2:10-2:50pm Phonon Dynamics of Iron at Earth's Core Conditions
Ho-Kwang Mao, Carnegie Institute of Washington
2:50-3:30pm X-ray Visions of Fuel Sprays
Jin Wang, Argonne National Laboratory
3:30-5:30pm Poster Session and Refreshments, Bldg. 402, Lower-level pation, under the tent
5:30pm Buses leave for Banquet
Buses will board in front of the APS Conference Center
6:30pm Tours, Reception, and Banquet
Brookfield Zoo, Brookfield, Illinois
10:30pm Buses depart for Argonne
Thursday, October 11, 2001
8:00-9:00am Continental Breakfast, Bldg 4402, Lower-level patio, under the tent
8:00am-3:00pm Exhibits, Bldg. 402, Gallery
User Science at the APS-Session II; Bldg. 402, Lecture Hall; Paul Zschack, Chair
9:00-9:40am Antiferromagnetic Domains and Their Effect on the Spin-flip Transition in Chromium Observed with Magnetic X-ray Microscopy
Paul G. Evans, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
9:40-10:20am Time-resolved X-ray Diffraction Investigation of Surface Dynamics during Pulseed Laser Deposition Flim Growth
J.Z. Tischler, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
10:20-10:30am APS Student Recognition
APSUO Steering Committee Election Results
10:30-11:00am Refreshments, Bldg. 402, Gallery
11:00-11:40am Probing Molecular Structures of Photoexcited States Using Pulsed X-rays from the APS
Lin X. Chen, Argonne National Laboratory
11:40am-12:10pm "Structural Physiology"-Small-angle X-ray Diffraction Studies of Heart and Skeletal Muscle
Tom Irving, Illinois Institute of Technology
12:15-1:30pm Lunch, Bldg. 402, Lower-level patio, under the tent
12:15-1:30pm Joint Meeting of the Incoming and Outgoing APS Users Organization Steering Committees
Bldg 401, Room A5000
1:30-5:00pm Workshop 5: Small-angle X-ray Scattering-Applications Techniques
Bldg. 402, APS Conference Center, Lecture Hall

Workshop 6: Advanced Instrumentation
Bldg. 402, APS Conference Center, Room E1100/E1200
3:00-3:30pm Refreshments, Bldg. 402, Gallery

Adjunct Meetings | APSUO Elections | Banquet | Call for Poster Abstracts | Committees | Comprehensive Program
Compton Award | Exhibitors/Sponsors | General Information | | Schedule-at-a-Glance |
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