Fifth International Workshop

on Accelerator Alignment

ANL/FNAL October 13 - 17, 1997

IWAA '97 logo



Instructions for preparing Contributions for the Proceedings of the IWAA97

Oral as well as poster presentations will be part of the IWAA97 proceedings. We are asking that each author hand in at the time of registration a 3.5" floppy diskette and a camera-ready paper copy of his/her paper for inclusion in the proceedings. If at all possible use the ADOBE PDF file format or MICROSOFT WORD format. Section D describes how to use a template file which has been prepared for Mircosoft Word users and can be downloaded.

In the interest of a uniform layout of the proceedings the authors are kindle requested to observe the following recommendations:

A. General Instructions

  1. The original script of the full text of each contribution will go directly to the photographic reproduction service without any editing and should therefore be in its final form and of good appearance.
  2. The text must be typed on A-size (21.5cm x 28.0cm) U.S. or A4-size (21cm x 29.6) European paper size, using one side only. In order to accommodate both sizes of paper, we ask that the text area be the same, regardless of papersize. Therefore we request that you use a 2.5cm (1 inch) left, right, top and bottom margin for A-size paper (U.S). For A4-size paper (European), use 2.3cm for the left margin, 2.2cm for the right margin, 2.5cm for the top margin, and 4.1cm for the bottom margin. In this way the text area will be the same for all papers. Many of you will be using word processors to produce these contributions. Most word processors have options for the page setup. Microsoft Word, for instance, offers the 8.5 x 11 [inch] page layout for the U.S. paper format. Please select this option, if available, to produce your document in that format.
  3. Place page numbers in the top right corner of each page with a non-photo blue pencil for the convenience of the editor. Those numbers will not show up on the reproductions and new consecutive page numbers will be added at the bottom of each page of the proceedings.
  4. We would like to follow the style of the proceedings for previous workshops with the exception of the change in margins to accommodate the different paper formats. Please select the Times New Roman font for the entire text.

B. Title of Your Contribution (Example)

  1. Title, Author(s) and Address(es) should be centered at the top of the first page. The title should be single spaced and in capital bold letters 14pt followed by two blank lines 14pt each. The next lines contain the author(s) name(s) and address(es) in 12pt italics, not bold followed by three blank lines 14pt each.
  2. If required, at the bottom of the first page insert a footnote preceded by a separating line to provide the information of the organization which sponsored your work. Please use 10pt font size for the footnote.
  3. Section headings should be numbered consecutively with arabic numerals and contain all bold capital letters 12pt. Each section heading is followed by a blank line 12pt.
  4. Subsection headings should be numbered starting with the section number followed by a period and the consecutive subsection number. Only the first letter of the subsection heading should be capitalized. Each subsection heading is followed by a blank line 12pt. (Example)


  1. The text should be typed in Times New Roman 12pt, non-italics, non-bold, single spaced. References to page numbers should not be made within the text, as the page of each contribution will be renumbered within the proceedings.
  2. Formulae, figures, and references should be numbered in separate consecutive order throughout your manuscript. When numbering formulae, enclose numbers in parentheses and align on the right-hand margin.
  3. Figures should be referenced in the text (Example) . Figure captions for diagrams, illustrations, and photographs should be typed single spaced below the figure in 12pt type.
  4. References should be listed at the end of the text in 9pt type (Example) . They should be referred to in the text by the corresponding number in left- and right-handed square brackets, e.g. [2]. For preferred abbreviations of journals quoted in the references please consult: Physics Abstracts July - December 1993 (Author Index).
  5. Tables should be referenced in the text. The table captions should be typed single spaced above the table in 12pt type.


The instructions for preparing papers for the IWAA97 proceedings described in the previous sections have also been implemented in a template for Microsoft Word users. You can download the template to your WINWORD\TEMPLATE subdirectory, by clicking on the link and using the save as option in the pop-up box to load the template to your hard disk.

To use this template, select from the file menue the option for Templates, ADD the IWAA97.DOT template and put a checkmarke in front of IWAA97.DOT. Then choose the File command, open a New file and select IWAA as template. Now you are ready to modify the text and save the file under a new file name.

Questions with regard to the IWAA97 or suggestions for this WEB page can be directed to: