Conference presentations

  1. (Invited Talk) Pressure tuning of magnetism in Kitaev QSL candidate Na3Co2SbO6

    Telluride Science Workshop: Enhanced functionalities in 4d and 5d transition metal systems from spin-orbit coupling, Telluride, Colorado (June 25-29, 2024)

  2. (Invited Talk) Magnetic Scattering and Spectroscopy at High Pressures at APS and APS-U

    Electronic Materials and Applications 2024 (EMA 2024), Frontiers in ferroic oxides: Synthesis, properties and applications, Denver, Colorado (Feb 14, 2024)

  3. (Invited Talk) XAFS and other techniques

    EXAFS50 Symposium, Brookhaven National Laboratory (November 1-2, 2023)

  4. (Invited Talk) Magnetic Scattering and Spectroscopy at High Pressures at APS and APS-U

    MS&T23 Symposium Emergent Materials Under Extremes and Decisive In Situ Characaterizations, Ohio, USA (October 2, 2023)

  5. (Invited Talk) Magnetism at High Pressures: Search for Quantum Spin Liquids in 5d Oxides

    American Crystallographic Association ACA 2022, Portland, Oregon, USA (July 29-August 3, 2022)

  6. (Invited Talk) Magnetism at High Pressures: Search for Quantum Spin Liquids in 5d Oxides

    XAFS2022 International XAFS conference, Sydney, Australia (July 10-15, 2022)

  7. (Invited Talk) X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism

    International School of Crystallography, 56th Course, Crystallography under extreme conditions: the future is bright and very compressed, ERICE, Italy (June 3-11, 2022)

  8. (Invited Talk) Mossbauer Spectroscopy

    International School of Crystallography, 56th Course, Crystallography under extreme conditions: the future is bright and very compressed, ERICE, Italy (June 3-11, 2022)

  9. (Invited Talk) Tuning Magnetism with Pressure in Honeycomb and Square lattice Iridates

    March Meeting, American Physical Society, Chicago, USA (MArch 14-17, 2022)

  10. (Invited Talk) Magnetism at High Pressure: Search for Quantum Spin Liquids in 5d oxides

    Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES 2020/2021), Brasilia, Brazil (September 30, 2021)

  11. (DOE Review Talk) Condensed Matter Physics

    Triennial DOE Review of the Advanced Photon Source (September 7, 2021)

  12. (Invited Talk) Search for Quantum Spin Liquids in 5d oxides

    XAS Journal Club Seminar Series, Seattle, USA (June 10, 2021)

  13. (Invited Talk) Magnetism at High Pressures: Search for Quantum Spin Liquids in 5d oxides

    Rutgers Condensed Matter Webinar, New Jersey, USA (February 9, 2021)

  14. (Invited Talk) Magnetism at high pressures and search for quantum spin liquids

    Capital/DOE Alliance Center (CDAC) Webinar, Illinois, USA (August 19, 2020)

  15. (Invited Talk) Magnetic scattering and spectroscopy at high pressures at APS and APS-U

    EBS Workshop "X-ray spectroscopy of Magnetic Materials", ESRF, Grenoble France (October 7-9, 2019)

  16. (Invited Talk) Magnetic scattering and spectroscopy at high pressures at APS and APS-U

    PRESSYNC Workshop "Synchrotron Techniques Under High Pressure", CNPEM, Campinas, Brazil (July 31-August 2, 2019)

  17. (APS-U ESAC Review Talk) APS-U POLAR beamline

    Experimental Scientific Advisory Committee Review of APS-U beamlines, Argonne, IL (May 20, 2019)

  18. (Special Interest Group Talk) XAS Branching ratio and glitch-free XAFS with nano-pollycrystalline diamond anvils: quantum spin-liquids versus dimerized phases in honeyocmb iridates

    Spectroscopy Special Interest Group (SIG), Argonne, IL (Feb 2, 2019)

  19. (SAC Review Talk) Magnetic scattering and spectroscopy at high pressures at APS and APS-U

    Scientific Advisory Committee meeting, Argonne, IL (November 8, 2018)

  20. (APS-U DOE Review Talk) APS-U POLAR beamline

    DOE CD2 Review of APS-U project, Argonne, IL (October 10-12, 2018)

  21. (APS-U Workshop Talk) Opportunities for polarization-dependent spectroscopy and scattering at APS-U

    Workshop "Discovery, synthesis and development of emergent materials and the role of APS-U", Argonne, IL (September 27-28, 2018)

  22. (Invited Talk) X-ray resonant probes of magnetism at high pressures: towards realization of novel quantum spin liquids in 5d oxides

    Condesned Matter Physics Seminar, U. Colorado, Boulder (September 6, 2018)

  23. (APS-U Review Talk) APS-U POLAR beamline

    ANL Director's CD2 Review of APS-U project, Argonne, IL (August 22, 2018)

  24. (APS-U Review Talk) POLAR: Polarization Modulation Spectroscopy

    APS-U POLAR technical review, Argonne, IL (August 15, 2018)

  25. (Stern Memorial Talk) Edward A. Stern Memorial Plenary Session

    The 17th International XAFS Conference, Krakow, Poland (July 27, 2018)

  26. (Invited Talk) X-ray resonant probes of magnetism at high pressures: towards realization of novel quantum spin liquids in 5d oxides

    The 17th International XAFS Conference, Krakow, Poland (July 22-27, 2018)

  27. (Invited Talk) Opportunities in polarization-dependent spectroscopy at APS-U

    The 17th International XAFS Conference, Workshop "Advances in XAFS Experimental Techniques: Bridging the Light Source Generations", Krakow, Poland (July 21, 2018)

  28. (Invited Talk) Manipulating exchange interactions and search for quantum spin liquids

    Gordon Research Conference "Research at High Pressures", Holderness, NH (July 15-20, 2018)

  29. (APS-U Forum Talk) Opportunities for x-ray polarization control at APS-U

    APS-U Forum, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne (April 12, 2018)

  30. (Invited Talk) Probing Magnetism at High Pressure with Polarized X-rays: Beyond Ferromagnets

    HPCAT Workshop on Probing Materials under Extreme Conditions using Synchrotron Radiation, Argonne, IL (October 30-31, 2017)

  31. (Workshop Talk) Magnetic scattering and spectroscopy

    Mini Workshop "Helical Superconducting Undulator at 7ID: PLanning first experiments", Argonne, IL (September 18, 2017)

  32. (Invited Talk) Probing magnetism at high pressure with polarized x-ray resonant absorption and scattering techniques: Novel quantum magnetism in 5d oxides driven by strong spin-orbit interactions

    The 26th International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology (AIRAPT 26), Beijing, China (August 18-24, 2017)

  33. (APS-U ESAC Review Talk) POLAR: Polarization Modulation Spectroscopy

    Experimental Scientific Advisoty Committee Review of APS Upgrade beamlines, Argonne, IL (July 19-21, 2017)

  34. (Invited Talk) Adventures with 5d orbitals at high pressure

    MRS Spring Meeting Symposium "Emergent Materials Properties and Phase Transitions under Pressure", Phoenix, Arizona (April 18-20, 2017)

  35. (Invited Talk) Adventures with 5d orbitals at high pressure

    Seminar, High Pressure Science and Engineering Center, Physics Department, University of Nevada Las Vegas (January 18, 2017)

  36. (Invited Talk) Adventures with 5d orbitals at high pressure

    XV Brazil MRS Meeting, Symposium "Materials Science at High Pressure Conditions", Campinas, Brazil (September 28, 2016)

  37. (Invited Talk) Polarization modulation spectroscopy: Electronic Matter under extreme conditions

    Workshop "Overview of APS upgrade beamline proposals", 2016 APS/CNM Users Meeting, Argonne IL, USA (May 10, 2016)

  38. (Contributed Talk) Frustration in square lattice of Iridium Jeff=1/2 moments at high pressure

    MArch Meeting, American Physical Society, Baltimore, USA (March 14-19, 2016)

  39. (Invited Talk) Magnetism at high pressure probed with x-ray resonant absorption and scattering techniques

    Condensed Matter Physics Seminar, University of Missouri, Columbia MO (September 16, 2015)

  40. (Invited Talk) Magnetism at high pressure probed with x-ray resonant absorption and scattering techniques

    Joint AIRAPT-25 and EHPRG-53 conference, Madrid, Spain (August 30-September 4 2015)

  41. (Invited Talk) X-rays and Magnetism- Part I and Part II (2 lectures)

    SyncLight 2015, Sao Paulo School of Advanced SCiences on recent developments in Synchrotron Radiation, Campinas ,Sao Paulo, Brazil (July 20-21 2015)

  42. (Invited Talk)Frustration in AFM square lattice of Jeff=1/2 moments at high pressure

    Competing Interactions and Colossal Responses in Transition Metal Oxides, Telluride, CO (June 8-12, 2015)

  43. (Invited Talk)Frustration in AFM square lattice of Jeff=1/2 moments at high pressure

    Enhanced Functionalities in 4d and 5d transition metal compounds from large spin-orbit coupling, Telluride, CO (June 14-18, 2015)

  44. (Invited Talk) Possible QSL state in square lattice of Jeff=1/2 moments at high pressure

    Spin-orbit coupling and Magnetism in correlated transition metal oxides workshop, Ohio State University (May 4-7, 2015)

  45. (Invited Talk) XAFS and other techniques

    XAFS 14: A short course on methods and applications of XAFS, Brookhaven National Laboratory (Nov 13-15, 2014)

  46. (Invited Talk)X-ray spectroscopy and high pressure tuning of the S-O coupled ground state of Iridate (5d) oxides

    Condensed Matter Physics Seminar, University of Notre Dame(October 9, 2014)

  47. (Invited Talk)Recent progress in high pressure studies of magnetism using polarized x-ray techniques

    2014 Annual Users Meeting, Argonne National Laboratory (May 14, 2014)

  48. (Invited Talk) Magnetism at High Pressures

    Colloquium, Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory (May 8, 2014)

  49. (Invited Talk) High pressure studies of magnetism using polarized x-ray techniques: Present and future

    Workshop Extreme Conditions Experiments for today and at Sirius, LNLS/CNPEM, March 13-14, 2014 (Campinas, Brazil)

  50. (Invited Talk) X-ray spectroscopy and high-pressure tuning of the spin-orbit coupled ground state of Iridate oxides

    Condensed Matter Seminar, Department of Physics, Ohio State University, October 10, 2013 (OSU, OH USA)

  51. (Invited Talk) Tuning the Spin-Orbit Coupled Ground state of Sr2IrO4 with Pressure

    Workshop on Opportunities to study magnetism and related phenomena in 4d and 5d systems, July 22-24, 2013 (ORNL, TN USA)

  52. (Invited Talk) Instrumentation for high pressure studies of magnetism using polarized x-ray techniques

    "High Pressure" satellite workshop to Synchrotron radiation instrumentation (SRI2013), June 17, 2013 (Gaithersburg, MD USA)

  53. (Invited Talk) X-ray spectroscopy and high-pressure tuning of the S-O coupled ground state of iridate (5d) oxides

    Condensed Matter and Biological Physics Seminar, Washington University in St. Louis, April 29, 2013 (St. Louis, USA)

  54. (Invited Talk) Tuning the Spin-Orbit Coupled Ground State of Iridates with Pressure

    March Meeting American Physical Society, March 18-22, 2013 (Baltimore, USA)

  55. (Contributed Talk) Pressure Tuning of the Spin-Orbit Coupled Ground State of Sr2IrO4

    12th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, Jan 14-18, 2013 (Chicago, USA)

  56. (Contributed Talk) Upgrade of Hard x-ray magnetic spectroscopy beamline

    DOE CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade, APS, ANL (December 2012)

  57. (Invited Talk) X-ray absorption spectroscopy at high pressures

    Seminar, Diamond Light Source, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom (October 2012)

  58. (Invited Talk) Electronic ground state properties of Iridate oxides from x-ray absorption spectroscopy

    Kentucky Condensed Matter Physics Symposium: The Iridates, Lexington Kentucky (April 28-29, 2012)

  59. (Talk) Electronic ground state properties of Iridate oxides from x-ray absorption spectroscopy

    March Meeting, American Physical Society, Boston MA (Feb 27-29, 2012)

  60. (Invited Talk) Magnetism at High Pressures

    DOE/BES Triennial review of the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne IL (September 12-15, 2011)

  61. (Invited Talk) Magnetism at High Pressures

    University of Chicago review of APS Science (July 27-29, 2011)

  62. (Invited Talk) Probing Spin-Orbit interactions in BaIrO3 with x-ray absorption spectroscopy

    Workshop on Physics driven by Spin-orbit coupling in TM compounds, IOP, CAS Beijing, China (June20-June22 2011)

  63. (Invited Talk) Charge-Magnetic Interference hard x-ray resonant scattering studies of ferromagnetic crystals and thin films

    Resonant Elastic X-ray Scattering (REXS 2011) conference, Aussois, France (June13-June18 2011)

  64. (Invited Talk) Interplay between structure and magnetism in Gd5(SixGe1-x)4 alloys

    Symposium on Magnetic Materials for Energy applications, TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA (February 27-March 3 2011)

  65. (Talk) Magnetism at High Pressures

    1st North American Core Shell Spectroscopy Conference (NACSSC), Denver Colorado (August 2010)

  66. (Invited Talk) Probing Magnetism with X-rays: New Tools, New Insights

    Condensed Matter Physics Seminar, Washington University St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri (April 2010)

  67. (Talk) Coexistence of weak ferromagnetism and superconductivity in Ru-1222

    MArch Meeting of the American Physical Society, Portland Oregon (March 2010)

  68. (Talk) Coexistence of weak ferromagnetism and superconductivity in Ru-1222

    11th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, Washington DC (January 2010)

  69. (Invited talk) Complex oxide magnetism at high pressures

    2009 Villa Conference on Complex Oxide Heterostructures (VC-COH), St. Thomas, USVI (September 2009)

  70. (Invited talk) X-ray vision of the inner-workings of functional magnetic materials

    Magnetics Conference 2009, Chicago, Illinois USA (April 2009)

  71. (Invited talk) Squeezing Magnets- and what can we learn from it

    Physics Colloquium, Northern Illinois University, Illinois, USA (April 2009)

  72. (Invited talk) Squeezing Magnets- and what can we learn from it

    Seminar, Department of Materials Physics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain (March 2009)

  73. (Invited talk) Magnetism at High Pressures

    Energy Dispersive X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy: Scientific Opportunities and Technical Challenges, ESRF, Grenoble, France (February 2009)

  74. (Invited talk) High-pressure XMCD at the Advanced Photon Source

    Workshop in Advances in X-ray absorption spectroscopy under high pressures, 46th EHPRG- European High Pressure Research Group conference, Valencia, Spain (September 2008)

  75. (Invited talk) XAFS and other techniques

    XAFS Summer School, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne IL (August 2008)

  76. (Invited talk) Site-specific Magnetic Spectroscopy of Functional Materials

    SRMS-6: 6th International COnference on Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science, Campinas, Brazil (July 2008)

  77. (Invited talk) High pressure studies of Magnetism using XMCD: the case of giant magnetocaloric material GdSiGe

    2nd Workshop on Novel Electronic Materials, Lexington Kentucky, USA (May 2008)

  78. (Invited talk) High pressure studies of magnetism at the Advanced Photon Source

    In Situ Experiments Under Extreme Conditions Utilizing Synchrotron Radiation, 18th LNLS annual users meeting (RAU) Campinas, Brazil, (February 2008)

  79. (Invited talk) Magnetic Spectroscopy at High Pressures using XMCD

    International Workshop on Synchrotron High Pressure Mineral Physics and Materials Science, Argone National Laboratory (December 2007)

  80. (Invited talk) Magnetic Spectroscopy of Functional Materials

    University of Chicago Review of APS Science, Argonne National Laboratory (September 2007)

  81. (Invited talk) Magnetic Spectroscopy of Functional Materials

    Scientific Advisory Committee Review of XOR Science, Argonne National Laboratory (September 2007)

  82. (Invited talk) The role of Ge in mediating FM interactions in Gd5SixGe1-x alloys

    Condensed Matter Physics Seminar, Physics Department, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragon University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza Spain (March 2007)

  83. (Invited Talk) X-ray studies of the role of Ge in mediating Ferromagnetism in Gd5Si2Ge2

    Physics Seminar, Instituto de Magnetismo Aplicado, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid Spain (February 2007)

  84. (Talk) Role of Ge in bridging ferromagnetism in giant magnetocaloric Gd5(Ge1-xSix)4

    10th Joint MMM/Intermag conference, Baltimore, MD, USA (January 2007)

  85. (Invited talk) New insights into Permanent Magnets

    53rd Midwest Solid State Conference, Kansas City, USA (October 2006)

  86. (Talk) Interplay between structure and magnetism in magnetocaloric material GdSiGe

    Fifth International conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science (SRMS-5), Chicago, USA (August 2006)

  87. (Talk) Dichroic resonant diffraction of circularly polarized x-rays: a route to element- and site-specific magnetism

    The 13th International XAFS Conference, XAFS XIII, Stanford University, USA (July 2006)

  88. (Invited talk) Shedding (x-ray) light into the inner-workings of complex magnetic materials

    Condensed Matter Seminar, Physics Department, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA (May 2006)

  89. (Talk) A new setup for HP-XMCD studies of magnetism at sector 4: First results

    High-Pressure special interest group meeting, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne (April 2006)

  90. (Talk) Insights into Permanent Magnets

    Advanced Photon Source Operations Monthly Meeting, Argonne, Illinois (December 2005)

  91. (Invited talk) Inhomogeneous Magnetic States in Gd/Fe and SmCo/Fe Nanolayers

    AVS 52nd International Symposium, Magnetic Nanostructures, surfaces and Interfaces, Boston, USA (November 2005)

  92. (Invited talk) Element- and site-specific study of the atomic origin of magnetic hardness in modern magnets

    Symposium on "Combined XAS and XRD techniques in Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science", XX Congress of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCR), Florence, Italy (August 2005)

  93. (Invited talk) XAFS and other techniques

    Advanced Photon Source XAFS Summer School 2005, Argonne, IL, USA (July 2005)

  94. (Invited talk) XMCD studies of inhomogeneous magnetic states

    Nanomagnetism: Materials and Probes; Workshop at NSLS 2005 anual user's meeting, Brookhaven, Upton, NY, USA (May 2005)

  95. (Talk) X-ray structural and magnetic studies of the magnetic-martensitic transition in Gd5Si0.5Ge3.5

    March meeting of the Americal Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA, USA (March 2005)

  96. (Invited talk) Understanding our best permanent magnets: X-ray studies of element- and site-specific magnetism in Nd2Fe14B crystals

    Department of Chemistry, University of the Republic of Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay (December 2004)

  97. (Invited talk) Hard x-ray magnetic studies at the Advanced Photon Source

    Strategic meeting of users of x-ray absorption spectroscopy at ALBA, Sevilla, Spain (October 2004)

  98. (Invited talk) Beyond element specific magnetism: Magnetic spectroscopy in the diffraction channel

    Workshop on Nanomagnetism using X-ray techniques, Lake Geneva, WI (August, 2004)

  99. (Invited talk) Synchrotron radiation studies of magnetism in layered nanostructures

    Nanomagnetism Workshop, Center for Nanoscale Materials first users meeting, Argonne, IL (May, 2004)

  100. (Invited talk) Site-specific magnetism and the spin-reorientation transition in Nd2Fe14B permanent magnet

    Workshop on interplay of Magnetism and Structure in Functional Materials, Benasque Center for Science, Spain (February, 2004)

  101. (Invited talk) Element and site-specific magnetism: X-ray studies in the absorption and diffraction channels

    Physics Colloquium, University of Nebraska, NE (January, 2004)

  102. (Talk) Element and site-specific magnetism in Nd2Fe14B single crystal

    9th Joint MMM/INTERMAG Conference, Anaheim, CA (January, 2004)

  103. (Talk) Beyond element-specific magnetism in Nd2Fe14B permanent magnet

    DOE CESP Nanocomposite Magnetic Materials Annual Workshop, Asilomar, CA (October, 2003)

  104. (Talk) Beyond element specific magnetism: Anomalous diffraction using circularly polarized x-rays

    12th International conference on x-ray absorption fine structure, Malmo, Sweden (June, 2003)

  105. (Invited Talk) X-ray studies of Magnetism: Element Specificity and Beyond

    BNL/NSLS Symposium Series, Long Island, New York (2003)

  106. (Invited Talk) X-ray studies of Magnetism: Element Specificity and Beyond

    Physics Colloquium, Yeshiva University, New York (2003)

  107. (Talk) Hard x-rays MCD studies of magnetic phase transitions- with a twist

    47th Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, MMM02, Tampa, FL, USA (2002)

  108. (Invited Talk) Using Circularly Polarized X-rays to study Layered Magnetic Nanostructures

    Symposium on Impact of Scattering on Nanoscience and Technology, 2002 ACA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA (2002)

  109. (Talk) Hard x-ray MCD studies of a surface-driven twisted state in artifical Gd/Fe ferrimagnetic multilayers

    DOE CESP Annual Workshop on Nanocomposite Magnetic Materials, Stony Brook, NY, USA (2002)

  110. (Talk) Local structure of amorphous V[TCNE]x molecular magnet

    March meeting of the Americal Physical Society, Indianapolis, IN, USA (2002)

  111. (Invited Talk) XAFS in Anisotropic Structures: Exploiting angular dependence for better modeling

    Workshop on Advanced Methods and Tricks of EXAFS Data Modeling, 2001 NSLS Annual Users' Meeting, NSLS, Brookhaven, USA (2001)

  112. (Invited Talk) Dopant Structural distortions in High Tc superconductors: Active or Passive Role?

    The 11th International XAFS conference (XAFS11), Ako, Japan (2000)

  113. (Talk) Charge Inhomogeneities, Tc suppression and M-I transition in Ni-doped La(2-x)Sr(x)Cu(1-y)Ni(y)O(4)

    International Symposium on Phyisics in Lattice Distortions (LLD2k), Tsukuba, Japan (2000)

  114. (Invited Talk) Role of Sr dopants in the inhomogeneous ground state of La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4)

    Phase transitions and self organization in electronic and molecular networks, Cambridge University, U.K. (2000)

  115. (Talk) Where do the doped holes go in LaSrCuO? A close look by XAFS

    High Temperature Superconductivity (HTS99), Coral Gables, Florida USA (1999)

  116. X-ray tomography with Kirkpatrick Baez mirrors fosusing at the PNC-CAT beamline
    K.H.Kim, E.A.Stern, S.Heald, D.L.Brew, D.Haskel, D.Jiang
    Ninth users meeting of the Advanced Photon Source, Chicago USA (1998)

  117. (Talk) Structural disorder and the origin of high Tc suppression in LaBaCuO

    X International XAFS conference, Chicago USA (1998)

  118. Towards atomic resolution EXELFS?
    M.Qian, D.Haskel, E.A.Stern, M.Sarikaya
    Towards Atomic resolution analaysis (TARA98), Port Ludlow, Washington USA (1998)

  119. (Talk) Disorder LTT ground state in LaBaCuO

    March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA USA (1998)

  120. Altered Sr environment in LaSrCuO

    Gordon Research conference on High Tc superconductivity, Ventura, CA USA (1997)

  121. (Talk) Development of EXELFS for nanoscale atomic structure determination

    IX International XAFS conference, Grenoble, France (1996)

  122. Ultimate spatial resolution in the EXELFS of inorganic materials
    D.Haskel, M.Qian, M.Sarikaya, E.A.Stern
    Microscopy Society of America (MSA) Annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN USA (1996)

  123. (Talk) XAFS studies of phase transitions in LaSrCuO

    March meeting of the American Physical Society, San Jose, CA USA (1995)

  124. Return to my home page