User defined optimization function based on output

Moderators: cyao, michael_borland

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User defined optimization function based on output

Post by Qin » 30 Nov 2015, 07:50

Hi Michael,

Let's say if I defined a parameter S by computing the output, something like Sx, Sdelta but cannot be expressed by the known parameters of Elegant. Is it possible to use this parameter S as the optimization function in simulation ? To minimize or maximize it ?



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Re: User defined optimization function based on output

Post by michael_borland » 01 Dec 2015, 00:16


I'm not 100% sure I understand the question. Are you asking if there is a way to compute quantities from elegant's output files external to elegant, then use the results of those computations in an optimization?

If so, the answer is "yes and no." This can't be done using elegant's internal optimizer. However, it can be done using an external optimizer such as sddsoptimize or geneticOptimizer. Both of these are distributed from our web site.

If this isn't what you are asking, please explain further.


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