"beamline unstable" problem

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Joined: 28 Jan 2015, 10:05

"beamline unstable" problem

Post by Marcello » 27 Feb 2015, 12:18

Dear Michael,

I'm simulating the focusing of an ultra-short electron bunch for plasma injection, in LWFA .
The beam emittance in really low (0.2e-6 m, for 15pC of charge). It's a cylindrical beam and it's envelope is 1 mm and Ss = 4.2e-6 m.

The tracking of this beam, by using ASTRA, doesn't give any problem. Now I'm trying to optimize the focusing channel, for the plasma injection, by using a triplet; Elegant replies "warning: beamline unstable for y plane--can't match beta functions." (Using only a drift the error is "Unable to compute dispersion: unstable").
The problem is that with this error it's not possible to perform the optimization that I'm trying to do.
If you belive that the problem lies in the bunch
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Thank you in advance for your precius help

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Re: "beamline unstable" problem

Post by michael_borland » 27 Feb 2015, 13:38


This will only happen if you have matched=1 (the default) in &twiss_output. Try setting matched=0.


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Re: "beamline unstable" problem

Post by Faissal » 14 Feb 2018, 11:04

Dear Michael,

The solution suggested makes sense since it's a linac so putting matched=0 removes the issue. But sometimes the above warning message can also occurs in situations when a ring is simulated. It does not necessarily prevent the optimization to go on, but does this message mean that something is wrong in the lattice definition? For a ring we used matched=1.


- Faissal

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