gross n00b question: where are the examples?

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gross n00b question: where are the examples?

Post by tiefenback » 11 Aug 2009, 13:54

The documents I can find have very sparse occurrences of the word "example" or "examples" and typically mention a "PAR" directory or something equivalent. Now, "PAR" is not part of the contents of the elegant or SDDSToolKit rpm files, and I have been stymied by finding its hiding place. Michael Borland, with very helpful intent if not (so far) helpful effect , pointed me toward these files. Thanks for any flotation devices you happen to have for me....

Obviously this isn't a typical question, as it doesn't show up in the "FAQ" either. Should I take comfort in being atypical?

And I even looked in the sdds GettingStartedData.tar.gz file.

Michael Tiefenback

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Re: gross n00b question: where are the examples?

Post by michael_borland » 11 Aug 2009, 14:01


You can find the examples file linked from the documentation and the software download web pages, not the manual itself. It's ... les.tar.gz


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Location: Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Re: gross n00b question: where are the examples?

Post by tiefenback » 11 Aug 2009, 14:17

If you're saying it's linked through ... ware.shtml
I'd say one of, "No," or "I can't read," or "my browser is trash," or something like that. It would be instructive to me and help restore my confidence in the rest of the world, if not my self-confidence, if you could point me to the page that actually links this item. It would be helpful to my self-esteem to learn that you had inadvertently eliminated the example link in editing the oagSoftware page. But I very much appreciate the direct link and have now downloaded the file, so the above request is mostly to ensure that the file link is where you think it is and help me to see why I couldn't find it. There must be a reason, and I can only hope it's not solely due to deficiencies in my personal neural network.


addendum: Ah! It's on the page ... ware.shtml
which is somehow one I hadn't seen recently. Thanks anyway. I'm sure now that the reason for my not finding it earlier is personal. Too bad. But the link -could- be a bit easier to find, maybe.

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Re: gross n00b question: where are the examples?

Post by michael_borland » 11 Aug 2009, 15:51


You're right, it isn't on the page linking the manual. I mistakenly thought it was.

Sorry for the confusion.


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