Using IQ filter in RFMODE

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Using IQ filter in RFMODE

Post by duanz » 02 Jul 2021, 05:37

Dear Michael,

This is Tianmu Xin.

I've been trying to using the IQ filter in the RFMODE element and so far I'm out of my luck. Please help.

I was trying to make it as simple as possible. Here is what I used to generate the IFilter.sdds:

&description contents="csv2sdds conversion of I_PropPath.csv", &end
&parameter name=Filename, description="Name of file from which this page came", type=string, &end
&parameter name=NumberCombined, description="Number of files combined to make this file", type=long, &end
&column name=numerator, type=double, &end
&column name=denominator, type=double, &end
&data mode=ascii, &end
! page number 1
10.000000000000000e-00 1.000000000000000e+00

The QFilter has the same numerator and denominator.
The result showed that the filter was driving the VCavity to some value that is far from my set point. Am I doing something completely wrong?

Thank you.

Best regards,


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Re: Using IQ filter in RFMODE

Post by michael_borland » 15 Jul 2021, 15:20


The denominator values should sum to zero, so that if there is no error the output value won't change. The numerator is typically a small positive value, so that the error slowly causes the output to change.


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