Collimator wakes

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Collimator wakes

Post by Adam_Dixon » 27 Aug 2024, 08:32


I have set up simulations in which I am collimating the bunch at a dispersive section in a bunch compressor, using the 'scraper' element. I would like to include the wakefield effects from the collimator in the simulations. Is this possible in elegant?
I see that there is no mention of wakes for the 'scraper', 'ecol' or 'rcol' elements in the manual, but maybe there is another element that would work.


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Re: Collimator wakes

Post by michael_borland » 03 Sep 2024, 15:56


You can do this in various ways, but they all require that you know the wakes from some other calculation (e.g., with CST or GdfidL). If you want to work with the time-domain wake, you can use WAKE and TRWAKE, to provide the longitudinal and transverse components, respectively. In the frequency domain, you can use ZLONGIT and ZTRANSVERSE.


Posts: 16
Joined: 05 Nov 2021, 08:33

Re: Collimator wakes

Post by Adam_Dixon » 04 Sep 2024, 02:22

I thought this might be the solution, thanks for confirmation!


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