EMATRIX - third order

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EMATRIX - third order

Post by tennant » 26 Aug 2009, 09:29

It would be nice if EMATRIX could provide third order terms (e.g. U5666). Is there a quick and dirty way that I could implement that at present? Thanks.

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Re: EMATRIX - third order

Post by michael_borland » 09 Sep 2009, 08:18


I'll add this to the list.

I can't think of a way to do it in the present version.


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Re: EMATRIX - third order

Post by tennant » 19 Feb 2010, 10:25


So to implement a third-order transformation I can write the following commands in a script and get the desired result. I know you can call scripts from within Elegant, but when I try to use these command lines, Elegant doesn't run and complains of "get_param_name(): no parameter found in string DPP". Clearly I am not using the SCRIPT element correctly. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

cmd1="sddsprocess watch.W4 coordCONVERT.sdds -define=col,pnew,"p $me *" -process=p,ave,pave -process=t,ave,tave -redefine=col,t,"t tave -" -redefine=col,pnew,"p pave -" -define=col,l,"t $clight *" -define=col,dpp,"pnew pave /"

cmd2="sddsprocess coordCONVERT.sdds transformed.sdds -define=col,lnew,"l $M56 dpp * + $T566 dpp sqr * + $W5666 dpp * dpp * dpp * +"

Posts: 1951
Joined: 19 May 2008, 09:33
Location: Argonne National Laboratory

Re: EMATRIX - third order

Post by michael_borland » 19 Feb 2010, 10:29


The problem is with parsing the lattice file. Can you post or send me the lattice file, or just the SCRIPT element definitions?


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