Dear Michael,
I have sent you and Bob an email with all relevant files on October 10th. It has wakes and Genesis-like files of the distribution used with an output of sddsanalyzebeam command. Here I can share my simple example of the issue I am having in my calculations:
This is my Initial bunch in bunched_beam setup as reported by sddsanalyzebeam > sddsprintout
None 1.816780e-10 5.449000e-08 2.016800e+02 1.064423e-08 6.694000e-05 3.075000e-06 1.816447e-10
5.448000e-08 2.016800e+02 -1.833814e-09 6.694000e-05 3.075000e-06 1.914179e-04 9.491171e-07 1.914004e-04
9.490300e-07 1.593778e-12
1.330000e-05 2.999262e+02 2.119725e-17 1.816780e-10 5.449000e-08 2.016800e+02
1.084464e-08 1.816447e-10 5.448000e-08 2.016800e+02 -1.633361e-09 -9.120484e-23 3.664083e-08 -2.468128e-23
-1.933822e-18 9.008233e-13 -3.661087e-21 -5.138966e-11 -2.242103e-13 3.663410e-08 1.194478e-23 3.275190e-13
-2.191760e-15 3.331025e-19 9.006580e-13 -7.668854e-29 -2.700585e-19 -4.566588e-21 4.804431e-19 3.550373e-22
2.540129e-24 -2.658010e-15 1.184102e-14 5.439367e-16 1.184102e-14 5.439367e-16 1.643018e-30 1.768900e-10
1 2.999262e+02 -nan(ind) 370000 0 27280M
After a single IBS at 9 meter position, my relative energy spread increases from 1.33e-5 to 1.58e-5, which I can match to Zhirong’s formula ( ... 05-026.pdf) if Coulomb Log=2.91, which corresponds to 10^-6 relative energy change cut-off in the core of the distribution.
None 1.816585e-10 5.448415e-08 2.020816e+02 -4.462516e-02 9.337132e-04 2.639978e-06 1.816254e-10
5.447422e-08 2.020816e+02 -4.462512e-02 3.390186e-04 1.755393e-06 1.915982e-04 9.490662e-07 1.915807e-04
9.489797e-07 1.593778e-12
1.582327e-05 2.999262e+02 2.521877e-17 1.816585e-10 5.448415e-08 2.020816e+02
-4.462516e-02 1.816254e-10 5.447422e-08 2.020816e+02 -4.462512e-02 1.706370e-18 3.670985e-08 5.559900e-20
8.106541e-12 9.007266e-13 1.352255e-17 -5.062892e-11 -2.439004e-13 3.670316e-08 4.396586e-19 3.077689e-13
-2.191619e-15 8.105056e-12 9.005624e-13 3.002094e-08 -3.111578e-19 -4.566588e-21 4.836385e-19 3.550371e-22
2.540129e-24 -1.034770e-14 2.337791e-13 6.609866e-16 8.488203e-14 4.395078e-16 5.958895e-22 2.503757e-10
1 2.999262e+02 1.000000e-10 370000 370000 27280M
After 10 IBS every 0.9 meters, my relative energy spread increases from 1.33e-5 to 1.378e-5. This is a noticeable suppression of IBS effect.
None 1.816742e-10 5.448886e-08 2.020816e+02 -4.462514e-02 2.394911e-04 3.482167e-06 1.816409e-10
5.447887e-08 2.020816e+02 -4.462514e-02 5.228564e-05 2.359051e-06 1.916064e-04 9.491071e-07 1.915889e-04
9.490202e-07 1.593778e-12
1.378099e-05 2.999262e+02 2.196384e-17 1.816742e-10 5.448886e-08 2.020816e+02
-4.462514e-02 1.816409e-10 5.447887e-08 2.020816e+02 -4.462514e-02 -3.146318e-19 3.671302e-08 -1.022313e-20
8.107238e-12 9.008044e-13 1.317555e-18 -5.063563e-11 -2.439292e-13 3.670629e-08 4.284058e-20 3.077881e-13
-2.191731e-15 8.105752e-12 9.006393e-13 3.002094e-08 -3.111578e-19 -4.566588e-21 4.836385e-19 3.550371e-22
2.540129e-24 7.386784e-15 4.548312e-14 6.613182e-16 9.929863e-15 4.480207e-16 7.966466e-23 1.899157e-10
1 2.999262e+02 1.000000e-10 370000 370000 27280M
I am modeling 120 MeV acceleration and have to insert IBSCATTER element every 5cm in order to have less than 5% energy gain. As a result my IBS energy spread does not grow as expected.
Thank you,
This is elegant 2020.3.0 Jul 30 2020, by M. Borland, J. Calvey, M. Carla', N. Carmignani, M. Ehrlichman, L. Emery, W. Guo, R. Lindberg, V. Sajaev, R. Soliday, Y.-P. Sun, C.-X. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Wu, and A. Xiao.
Parallelized by Y. Wang, H. Shang, and M. Borland.