Opertimization other than element parameters

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Opertimization other than element parameters

Post by wguo » 14 Jun 2019, 15:25

Hi Michael,

Is there a way to optimize free parameters other than element parameters? For example, in the lte file

1.0 sto K1f1
2.0 sto K1f2

Q1: QUAD, L=0.2, K1=K1f1*0.8+K1f2*K1f2*0.02

Instead of using K1 of Q1 as optimization variables, I would like to vary K1f1 and K1f2. Is it possible to do so in Elegant?

Best regards,


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Re: Opertimization other than element parameters

Post by michael_borland » 17 Jun 2019, 15:17


Unfortunately, the answer is no at present. You can use the optimization_covariable command to optimize parameters of elements as functions of other parameters of elements, which may help if you restate the problem in terms of different variables.


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