Orbit correction - Singular Value Decomposition

Moderators: cyao, michael_borland

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Orbit correction - Singular Value Decomposition

Post by Gyeongsu » 04 Jun 2019, 19:34

Hello i am trying correction simulation.

In elegant, a command "correct" can be used for the orbit correction. There are many options to limit the singular values(SV). For examples, "keep_largest_SVs" or "minimum_SV_ratio". What if I want to see the SVs directly, where can I find the values. Which output file? or which setting command? Please let me know that. I will be a pleasure to me. Thank you!


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Re: Orbit correction - Singular Value Decomposition

Post by michael_borland » 14 Jun 2019, 15:50


If you want to see the SVs directly, you need to use the program sddspseudoinverse together with the output files from the &correction_matrix_output command.


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