MOGA optimizer for rings

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Posts: 54
Joined: 15 Mar 2011, 12:43

Re: MOGA optimizer for rings

Post by marlibgin » 16 Jan 2020, 20:14

Hi all
a general question on MOGA-elegant. Can someone remind me the relationship between nParents and childMultiplier parameters
used in a typical sdds deck for an optimisation? I take a standard Example where these parameters are set to 4 and 4.

&parameter name=NumberCombined, description="Number of files combined to make this file", type=long, &end
&parameter name=InputFile, description="Original matrix file", type=string, &end
&parameter name=nTotalJobs, type=long, &end
&parameter name=nParents, type=long, &end
&parameter name=childMultiplier, type=long, &end <<<<<
&parameter name=sleepTime, units=s, type=long, &end
&parameter name=postProcessingScript, type=string, &end
&parameter name=runScript, type=string, &end
&parameter name=preProcessingScript, type=string, &end
&parameter name=inputFileTemplate, type=string, &end
&parameter name=inputFileExtension, type=string, &end
&parameter name=programName, type=string, &end
&column name=initialValue, type=double, &end
&column name=parameterName, type=string, &end
&column name=errorLevel, type=double, &end
&column name=lowerLimit, type=double, &end
&column name=upperLimit, type=double, &end
&data mode=ascii, &end
! page number 1
4 <<<<<<<<<<<<<
1.000000000000000e-01 Q1K1 1.000000000000000e-02 -5.000000000000000e-01 5.000000000000000e-01
-1.000000000000000e-01 Q2K1 1.000000000000000e-02 -5.000000000000000e-01 5.000000000000000e-01
[xph53246@cs04r-sc-serv-71 geneticOptimizer1]$

Posts: 54
Joined: 15 Mar 2011, 12:43

Re: MOGA optimizer for rings

Post by marlibgin » 13 Oct 2020, 05:57

A general question on MOGA

in its common use, a set of machine parameters (typically harmonic sextupole families) can be utilized to target two objectives: lifetime and injection efficiency, for example. Has someone developed a way to use functions of machine parameters? e.g. my parameter is the beta fucntion at a straight or the phase advance within a cell. To control these "composite" parameters I will have to drive some quads/sexts. Is any template script to do that?

Thanks for any idea on the matter

Posts: 73
Joined: 29 Oct 2021, 10:41

Re: MOGA optimizer for rings

Post by blanco-garcia » 16 Nov 2021, 12:42

Dear all,
I'm trying to run the geneticOptimizer but the file oagtclsh is missing when compiling from sources.
I see that the RPMs generate a symbolic link /usr/bin/oagtclsh to /usr/bin/tclsh , but, in this case I'm building Pelegant sources to get a module.
Is there any way to build oagtclsh from sources ?
Or is it better to copy tclsh and link it to oagtclsh ?
I'm looking for a solution that avoids a symbolic link to a file that could be replaced by the OS.

Best regards,

Posts: 401
Joined: 28 May 2008, 09:15

Re: MOGA optimizer for rings

Post by soliday » 16 Nov 2021, 18:36

We don't build oagtclsh normally. Basically it is just a collection of Tcl modules (sdds, ca, os, rpn) that we add to the basic Tcl package. If you were to build your own Tcl from source code at or, then you would just need to copy the four modules over.

Posts: 73
Joined: 29 Oct 2021, 10:41

Re: MOGA optimizer for rings

Post by blanco-garcia » 17 Nov 2021, 07:54

Thank you very much again, Soliday !
I saw it is the same case for the code wish8.5 and oagwish.

Best regards,

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