About dynamic aperture optimization

Moderators: cyao, michael_borland

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About dynamic aperture optimization

Post by Siwei_Wang » 27 Jun 2017, 20:52

Dear administrator,

Hello. I'm a beginner for elegant.
In my work, I'm doing work on optimization of the dynamic aperture for our storage ring. When I was using "find_aperture" to track the DA, I found in the manual that if one sets "optimization_mode=1" with "n-line mode" , he could use "DaArea" as an optimization quantity. But when I did this setting with the "n-line" mode, I found the DA tracking did not work at all and no such a variable as "DaArea" was available. Keeping other settings untouched and change "optimization_mode=0" in the "find_aperture" command, I coud again get the tracking program work. Should any other commands be set in order to use the "DaArea" quantity? I do not want to minimize the nonlinear resonance driving terms to enlarge the DA since the weight for different driving terms are difficult to set.
I heard that some are using the genetic algorithm to optimize the DA and other quantities at the same time. I also found the moraRing example on the APS software distribution. But when I was trying that example, I found some commands are not available in my computer. I am using personal laptop for work, does the genetic optimization require a cluster of servers. I also found problem when I tried to install Pelegant onto my computer. Does this mean that I cannot perform parallel computation and genetic algorithm on a personal laptop at all or should some other things be set to fulfil the requirement? P.S. my laptop has a CPU with only 2 cores.
Thank you very much!


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Re: About dynamic aperture optimization

Post by michael_borland » 28 Jun 2017, 10:08


Here's an example of DA optimization.

(23.3 KiB) Downloaded 1445 times

Posts: 21
Joined: 27 Jun 2017, 07:28

Re: About dynamic aperture optimization

Post by Siwei_Wang » 29 Jun 2017, 01:32

Dear Michael

Thank you very much for the example, I see that the optimization mode for the find_aperture should follow another find_aperture command without the optimization mode. I'll try it with our lattice. :D


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