DIPEDGE element or equivalent in ELEGANT?

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Philippe Piot
Posts: 83
Joined: 20 Aug 2008, 13:18
Location: Northern Illinois University & Argonne National Laboratory

DIPEDGE element or equivalent in ELEGANT?

Post by Philippe Piot » 06 Dec 2017, 06:43

I am converting some MADX files that contain many DIPEDGE elements into ELEGANT. Ideally, I could replace this DIPEDGE element with a matrix transformation as they are linear element. The mad manual does not provide much info beside stating "A thin element describing the edge focusing of a dipole has been introduced in order to make it possible to track trajectories in the presence of dipoles with pole face angles. Only linear
terms are considered since the higher order terms would make the tracking non-symplectic. The transformation of the machine elements into thin lenses leaves dipole edge (DIPEDGE) elements untouched and splits correctly the SBEND’s
" ; see pg. 74 of http://mad.web.cern.ch/mad/releases/5.0 ... uguide.pdf

Could such a DIPEDGE element be introduced in future version of ELEGANT? Is there a quick substitute; I was thinking of using very thin dipole but there is no option in ELEGANT to introduce the radius of curvature.

Thank you, -- Philippe.

Philippe Piot
Posts: 83
Joined: 20 Aug 2008, 13:18
Location: Northern Illinois University & Argonne National Laboratory

Re: DIPEDGE element or equivalent in ELEGANT?

Post by Philippe Piot » 08 Dec 2017, 10:11

I did figure out the answer to my question. I finally used the right edge angle on the SBENB dipole combined with the DIPEDGE function. I am actually not sure why the DIPEDGE element was introduced in MA -- there might be a subtlety I am not appreciating. Anyway I retract my suggestion to add such an element in ELEGANT... Best, -- Philippe.

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Joined: 19 May 2008, 09:33
Location: Argonne National Laboratory

Re: DIPEDGE element or equivalent in ELEGANT?

Post by michael_borland » 08 Dec 2017, 11:22


Sorry I didn't respond to your post. It's good to know that you solved it.


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