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coupled_twiss_output command doesn't calculate beam sizes

Posted: 15 Jun 2009, 10:16
by duanz
Dear Michael,
I want to use the coupled_twiss_output command to calculate the beam sizes, however, it does not output the beam size parameters to the ".ctwi" file(see the attached files). How can I get these parameters?


Re: coupled_twiss_output command doesn't calculate beam sizes

Posted: 09 Sep 2009, 08:38
by michael_borland
Sorry I didn't see this one sooner.

The best way to compute the beam sizes with coupling is using the moments_output command.

I've attached an example.

For example, to see the vertical beamsize due to quadrupole tilt errors
% elegant parMoments.ele
% sddsplot -column=s,s3 -split=page
