CSRDRIFT: problem with stored parameter file when element_divisions > 1

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CSRDRIFT: problem with stored parameter file when element_divisions > 1

Post by PCaminal » 06 Nov 2018, 14:48

I am using Elegant version 34.4.1 (Oct 18 2018). I have a lattice including several CSRDRIFTs and I just realised that when element_divisions is set to some N > 1, the length of the drift is stored as the "original length"/N in the parameter file given in the run_setup namespace. I am doing something wrong or is this a bug? Below, an example of an elegant file:
lattice = Lattice/latticeCSRDRIFT.lte
default_order = 3
use_beamline = FLF
p_central_mev = 680.0
parameters = %s.par
element_divisions = 10

filename = Optics/<opticsfile>
change_defined_values = 1
allow_missing_elements = 1

name = *
type = WATCH
item = DISABLE
value = 1
allow_missing_elements = 1
allow_missing_parameters = 1

&run_control &end

matched = 0,
alpha_x = <alpha_x>
beta_x = <beta_x>
alpha_y = <alpha_y>
beta_y = <beta_y>
filename = %s.twi

&bunched_beam &end

&track &end

&stop &end
Thanks a lot in advance for your answer!

Best regards,
Pau Gonzalez

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Re: CSRDRIFT: problem with stored parameter file when element_divisions > 1

Post by michael_borland » 06 Nov 2018, 19:17


That's definitely a bug. It will be fixed in the next release. Thanks for reporting it.


Posts: 15
Joined: 02 Nov 2017, 12:26

Re: CSRDRIFT: problem with stored parameter file when element_divisions > 1

Post by PCaminal » 06 Nov 2018, 19:50

Hi Michael,
good to know. Thanks a lot for the very fast answer! :)
Best regards,

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