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SDDS watchpoint output does not match simulation

Posted: 19 Apr 2018, 06:44
by felix_armborst

I have the problem that in some cases the data in watchpoint sdds files does not match the simulated amount of particles and turns. Also sometimes the particleID of the last particle is 16777216L. I have attached an example elegant output with 2 particles tracked for 80 turns and the strange output of a watchpoint with 106 pages and 106 ParticleIDs according to sdds2hdf and my sddspython loading library.

Best, Felix

Re: SDDS watchpoint output does not match simulation

Posted: 19 Apr 2018, 08:46
by michael_borland

Can you upload (or email) the files used so I can investigate.

Also, are you using the parallel version? If so, what type of filesystem?


Re: SDDS watchpoint output does not match simulation

Posted: 19 Apr 2018, 09:30
by felix_armborst
I am using ext4 and the glitch seems to happen with both the parallel and normal elegant version. My momentary workaround is to change the number of turns and particles and try both versions until I get useful data :roll:

I will send you my input files by mail.