Thank you Michael,
I use parallel_optimization_setup because I want to try other methods of optimization in the future, e.g. "swarm".
I am confused.
From the description of "parallel_optimization_setup"
type: setup command (for Pelegant only).
function: define overall parallel optimization parameters and methods
method — May be one of “genetic”, “hybridsimplex” or “swarm”.
I understand that
1. "parallel_optimization_setup" offers other methods that "optimization_setup" does not use.
2. I need to use pelegant.
So, if I want to use multicore optimization I need to use "parallel_optimization_setup" with pelegant only;
if I want to use "swarm" method I need to use "parallel_optimization_setup" with pelegant only.
Am I right?
I did try changing the method to swarm
Code: Select all
mode = "minimize", method = "swarm",
population_log = %s.pop,
print_all_individuals = 1,
target = 0,
log_file = "%s.opt"
and running the code with pelegant. I had expected number of processes start but after a few iterations all of them consumed 0% processor and just hang with no additional output in %s.opt or .log files and no error message. I had to kill them after waiting several hours.
I did try "optimization_setup" with elegant and it worked, but there was only one process, one core and it took two days with just two variables at AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core processor with 64 GB RAM. Or may be should I try to run "optimization_setup" with pelegant?
Do I understand you correctly that even with elegant "find_aperture" will use several cores anyway? Or do I need to run it with pelegant?
Is it the same with "tune_footprint"?
Does it mean that I can use "optimization_setup" with elegant, which means one core optimization, but "find_aperture" and "tune_footprint" will use several cores to calculate the target function?
I want to optimize 5d dynamic aperture, which is transverse DA at fixed energy deviations. Can you advise how to do it, because "find_aperture" only finds DA for on momentum particle. The other way is to find the aperture in x and delta with given initial Y, and optimize the square.
The final goal is optimized 6d aperture, but I do not understand how to do it and can't find an appropriate function in the manual.