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Different results in pelegant

Posted: 26 Nov 2020, 02:12
by arahim
During the tracking of the particles for instability study in the ring using pelegant (2019.1.1, Jun 27 2019), I am getting different results, when I am selecting 1node 32processors and 5nodes and 1 processor(per node). In one case vertical emittance is blowing, while in another it is stable. What is the criteria to select the correct number of nodes and processors. Tracked result is attached for
the reference. I have attached txt file for impedance as .IMPE file is not getting attached.

Re: Different results in pelegant

Posted: 26 Nov 2020, 15:17
by michael_borland
The results shouldn't depend on the number of cores or nodes in any significant way, unless perhaps you are using very few particles. That can introduce variations due to different random number sequences for quantum excitation.

I was unable to run your files because the impedance file is not included. I looked at the Imp_circ_pp_14mm_T_10GHz_8193.txt but don't know what the columns are.


Re: Different results in pelegant

Posted: 01 Dec 2020, 23:08
by arahim
Yes, it is due to less number of particles. Thanks..