Wigglers for gpu-elegant

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Wigglers for gpu-elegant

Post by svenreiche » 28 May 2020, 02:04

we are getting some workstation with quite some Nvidea graphics cards since we are also running some other CUDE programs. I would like to try out Elegant on these gpus with gpu-elegant.

However all of our beamlines to be simulated have at least one wiggler in the beamline, which are currently not supported by the GPU version of Elegant. Can it be expected that the wiggler (or any other equivalent element) will be supported in any upcoming versions? And if not, what would be the best way to mimic the natural focusing of the wiggler, since the MATRIX element is also not supported by the GPU version.

Thaks for any info,


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Re: Wigglers for gpu-elegant

Post by michael_borland » 10 Jun 2020, 14:24


We are trying to get the GPU version completed, but it isn't clear if it will get funded.

The best I can suggest for now is to use a series of CSBEND elements. There's a script called makeWigglerFromBends that is distributed with elegant, so it shouldn't be too painful.


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Joined: 04 Mar 2014, 10:51

Re: Wigglers for gpu-elegant

Post by svenreiche » 26 Jun 2020, 02:17

Thank you Michael for the tip. I will give it a try.
Since it is the laser heater, which is almost the first element in the beamline, I was also considering to just simply track once through it and then start the optimization of the Linac after the laser heater.

And I wish you the best to find some funding for the extended GPU version.


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