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Ascii ouput

Posted: 13 Jan 2009, 03:48
by ccwang
Dear all,

Is there any way to convert the sdds format to ASCII format? Thanks.


Re: Ascii ouput

Posted: 13 Jan 2009, 09:02
by michael_borland

Yes, there are several ways to do this.

One way is using sddsprintout, e.g.,
% sddsprintout -spreadsheet=csv -column=* <input> <output>
This will make a CSV file from all the columns in <input>. Be warned however that the order of the output columns is not guaranteed, however, unless you individually specify the columns on the commandline with separate -column options.

Another way is using sdds2plaindata. It is a little more flexible than using sddsprintout. For example, it can output the data in column-major order instead of row-major order. It will also output data into flat binary files.

Having said all that, it is worth learning the SDDS toolkit instead of converting all the data to ASCII. A lot of the power of elegant comes from the ability to write SDDS-based scripts to perform automatic data processing.
