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sddsmatchtwiss question

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 05:58
by simona.bettoni
Hello to all,
I am trying to use sddsmatchtwiss and maybe I misunderstood how it works. I understood that it is changing the particle distribution to have a given projected beta and alpha.

I used it like this:
sddsmatchtwiss Linear_post.sdds Matched.sdds -xPlane=beta=22,alpha=1.997674 -yPlane=beta=22,alpha=1.997674

To check what I get I do:
elegant2genesis Matched.sdds test.txt -slice=200 -TotalCharge=200e-12
sddsplot test.txt -col=s,alphax
This is what I obtain: see attached plot

sddsanalyzebeam Matched.sdds aa.txt
sddsprintout aa.txt -col=alphax
and I get exactly what I set with sddsmatchtwiss

Printout for SDDS file aa.txt


Am I doing anything wrong? This is an extreme bunch (alpha very high), but I checked also with a beam with alpha ~1-2 and I have the same problem.
Thanks in advance,

Re: sddsmatchtwiss question

Posted: 05 Feb 2015, 05:22
by simona.bettoni
Now it's fine.
Thanks in any case,