CSR effects from tracking

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CSR effects from tracking

Post by amal » 27 Aug 2013, 13:09


I am studying a line for looking the effect on bunch length with CSR and without CSR. In this line, R56 is set to -0.25m and a chirped beam (chirping 0.4 is used). The initial bunch length is 8 ps. Bunch is tracked once with CSR is ON (Bins=500, Particles=500000) through lattice file "TL2_pr56B_csr.LTE". Another time, bunch is tracked with CSR is OFF (lattice file "TL2_pr56B_csr-temp.LTE). The ELEGANT input file is "TL2_CSR_ISR.ELE" (In case of CSR OFF, I used CSRCSBEND with CSR OFF option to take the data of LinearDensity). I could not see any difference between the results in these two cases. Please let me know, if I am providing correct input for tracking in both the cases or bunch length is longer and falls approx. near to incoherent regime and thus CSR effects are not significant. Derbenev Ratio is less than one. For reference, I am attaching all the three files.

Thanks and regards,
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