AT to Elegant converter

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AT to Elegant converter

Post by NicolaCarmignani » 11 Jun 2013, 04:44

At ESRF there are many AT users, so we needed an AT to Elegant lattice converter.
Maybe someone is interested in our matlab function, I attach here the file.
Your AT elements must have the fields "BetaCode" and "FamName". If you have different fields, like "Class", you have to modify the function.
Some elements, like skew quadrupoles, are not converted.
The extension ".m" is not allowed in the Elegant forum, so I changed it in ".txt", but it is a matlab function.

Nicola Carmignani
AT_2_Elegant converter matlab function.
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Re: AT to Elegant converter

Post by michael_borland » 11 Jun 2013, 08:03


Thanks for posting this.


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