android apps for accelerator physics

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android apps for accelerator physics

Post by michael_borland » 20 Jul 2012, 17:11

As a hobby, I've started developing some fairly basic Android applications for accelerator physics calculations. The intention of these apps is to provide the kind of results one might get from using simple equations and approximations with a hand calculator, but without the bother of programming the calculator or remembering the equations.

Although these are not directly related to elegant, I thought I'd announce them here since some elegant users might find these apps helpful:

* UndCalc (Undulator Calculations) performs various computations for undulator radiation and undulator design.

* LSRCalcs (Light Source Ring Calculations) performs computations related to storage ring light sources, such as scaling lattices by energy and number of cells, short-pulse x-ray calculations, and longitudinal parameters.

To find the apps, search for "Michael Borland" at . These apps are free of cost, free of ads, and require no elevated permissions.


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