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Element Naming Restrictions

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 12:59
by mjoyce
Are there any restrictions (unallowed characters) when naming the elements in the lattice?

Re: Element Naming Restrictions

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 14:13
by michael_borland

The rules for naming elements and beamlines are as follows:
* The name should start with an alphabetic character (i.e., a-zA-Z).
* The name may contain any of the following characters: a-z A-Z ~ @ $ % ^ & - _ + = { } [ ] \ | / ? < > . :
* The name should no contain any of the following characters: # * ! " ' `
* The name cannot contain spaces.

When using unusual characters, it is a good idea to put the name in double quotes. This is necessary if ":" is used in a name. Using double-quotes also preserves the case of the name. By default, names are cast to upper case.


Re: Element Naming Restrictions

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 14:15
by michael_borland
I forgot to say, you can also have digits 0-9 in the name.
