2 laser and one wiggler

Moderators: cyao, michael_borland

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Joined: 15 Mar 2010, 04:31

2 laser and one wiggler

Post by cloud9 » 13 Sep 2010, 01:05

Hello all,
I want to use 2 laser and one wiggler for electron beam modulation by laser.

When i see LSRMDLTR section in elegant code, i found only one laser and one wiggler is used.

Can we use two or more laser in one wiggler through this code?


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Joined: 19 May 2008, 09:33
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Re: 2 laser and one wiggler

Post by michael_borland » 15 Sep 2010, 09:06


At this point, only one laser is supported. We'll try to add two-laser support in a future release.

Meanwhile, I can suggest two alternatives:
1. Use a sequence of two LSRMDLTR elements separated by an EMATRIX element that transports the beam to the beginning of the first LSRMDLTR. If you use matrix_output's printout option, you can get the matrix for your LSRMDLTR. Just form the reverse matrix and insert that as an EMATRIX.
2. Write a program that performs tracking through a laser modulator with two lasers. Use elegant's SCRIPT element to incorporate it into the beamline.


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