I've been trying to setup ibsEmittance and haissinski codes to find beam parameters with consideration of combined effects of IBS and impedance. I see that it has been done before, but I need some advice.
In paper it's said that ibsEmittance code is used to abtain energy spread to use it in Haissinski solver. The latter solves for the bunch length using the wakefield. Iterating between the two codes converges to the solution.
1. I begin iteration with ibsEmittance.
Code: Select all
ibsEmittance $twi_file $ibs_file -charge=$charge -emitInput=$ex0 -deltaInput=$sigma_e -coupling=$ratio -length=$sigma_s -noWarning
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sddsprocess $twi_file_new -redefine=parameter,Sdelta0,$sigma_e -noWarnings
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haissinski $twi_file_new $pwd_file -model=Zn=$Zn,R=$R -bunchCurrent=$I -outputLastStepOnly \
-length=$sigma_t -integrationParameters=deltaTime=$deltaTime,points=4000,iterations=1000,fraction=0.01,tolerance=1e-4
Will it be correct to put RF parameters in haissinski code instead of length with ibs?
What am I missing?