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ADTS calculation

Posted: 13 Jan 2024, 08:12
by Kowthar_Noori
Dear Michael,
I am trying to plot amplitude-dependent tune shift using TwissCalculation.
I calculated amplitude-dependent tune shift manually by using the tracking script. I found the tune in different y and constant x and vice versa, but the points are limited.
I am going to find ADTS in x=-20mm to x=+20mm and y=-10mm to y=+10mm. I applied it to ele file by x0 and x1 and y0 and y1.
I have attached my files. Could you give me a comment?
Thank you in advance,
Best regards

Re: ADTS calculation

Posted: 25 Jan 2024, 11:05
by michael_borland
As the manual states: "this command is deprecated, because it is too difficult to tune it to get reliable answers. The use of driving term computation in twiss_output is recommended instead, even though it doesn’t include all possibly relevant effects. For tune-spread calculations, the tune_footprint command provides more versatility. "

If you have looked at the data yourself and verified that the fitting is good, then I'd trust those results.


Re: ADTS calculation

Posted: 29 Jan 2024, 14:04
by Kowthar_Noori
Thank you for your useful comments.
As you mentioned, I used the tune footprint script to find the tune vs. amplitude. There are two points:
1. I do not see why the trend of the plot of the tune footprint script is not reasonable!
2. I used another script in which I tracked particles and then found the tune using sddsnaff comment. The result is different from the tune footprint and is not reasonable, either.
Could you help me, please?