tuneshift with energy using Pelegant

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tuneshift with energy using Pelegant

Post by nadolski » 08 Jan 2022, 18:10

Dear All,

I would like to compute the tuneshift with energy for case of a storage ring.
The computation is for a single particle.

Is there a way to compute using parallel computation.
Let us say I do track over 10000 turns, for 100 energy offset.
Using 100 cores, each core do the computation for an energy offset.

Best regards,


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Re: tuneshift with energy using Pelegant

Post by michael_borland » 13 Jan 2022, 19:05


The tune_footprint command will do this. It works in either serial mode (in elegant) or parallel mode (in Pelegant). In the latter, it automatically partitions the work among the available cores. Good parallel efficiency is typically not obtained with fewer than 10 particles per working core.


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