Ion effects in storage ring

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Ion effects in storage ring

Post by Saroj_Jena » 30 Aug 2021, 07:30

I am studing the beam ion interaction for a high brightness storage ring using IONEFFECTS module of ELEGANT version 2020.5. I am facing the errors of job aborted. I couldn't understand why it happens. I tried by reducing number of turns to be tracked and no. of macro particles, no. of particles in a bunch etc.. but nothing succed. My input file doesn't shows any error too. May you please help to sort it out. I have attached the required input files.

Thanks and regards
Saroj Kumar Jena
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Re: Ion effects in storage ring

Post by michael_borland » 07 Sep 2021, 01:43

Saroj Kumar Jena,

The first problem is that your pressure profile is an invalid SDDS file. The file has a header that makes declares it to be a binary file, but it is actually an ascii file. This causes elegant to crash. In addition, the required parameters were not defined. I've fixed your file (see attached).

The second problem is that your pressure profile has too few points. I fixed this using sddsinterp

Code: Select all

sddsinterp prprofile.sdds prprofileMore.sdds -sequence=1000 -col=s,[HC]*
Use the new file in the ion_effects command and it should work.

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Re: Ion effects in storage ring

Post by Saroj_Jena » 14 Sep 2021, 01:57

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Dear Michael,
Thanks for fixing the sdds file. And with that file, the ioneffects command run nicely. However, I couldn't understand the first part, i.e. the procedure to fix the file. I convert the prprofileMore.sdds to plain data with command plaindata2sdds and got one text file which is attached as prpM.txt. But, if I have a text file with 1000 rows and pressure of individual gases at different s, how to create the sdds file that has all the data, Gasses name , temperature in the proper format. please help me in this regard. I tried it with command "plaindata2sdds prpM.txt ga1.sdds -col=s,double,units=m -col=CO,double,units=nTorr -col=CO2,double,units=nTorr -col=CH4,double,units=nTorr -col=H2,double,units=nTorr".

Thanks and regards
Saroj Jena

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