Plotting paged data on top of a single data set using sddsplot

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Plotting paged data on top of a single data set using sddsplot

Post by foshea » 25 Jun 2020, 22:25

I'm trying to plot a series of data sets, the .out file from elegant, against a baseline data set. I'd like the series of data sets to be on top of the baseline data set. I create the series of data sets by using sddscollapse to put them all in to one file to plot them. All permutations of the sddsplot options that I have tried either (1) produces only one plot or (2) puts the series of data sets below the baseline (the opposite of what I want).

The following permutations of the options to sddsplot put the paged data from bellow the baseline zero_field.out:

Code: Select all

sddsplot -sparse=10 -graphic=dot,type=1 -groupBy=nameIndex -split=pages -separate=pages -sameScale -columnNames=x,xp -topline=@plotTitle -graphic=dot -columnNames=x,xp -omniPresent zero_field.out

Code: Select all

sddsplot -sparse=10 -groupBy=nameIndex -split=pages -separate=pages -sameScale -topline=@plotTitle -graphic=dot,type=2 -columnNames=x,xp -graphic=dot,type=1 -columnNames=x,xp -omniPresent zero_field.out

Code: Select all

sddsplot -sparse=10 -graphic=dot,type=1 -columnNames=x,xp -omniPresent zero_field.out -groupBy=nameIndex -split=pages -separate=pages -sameScale -topline=@plotTitle -graphic=dot,type=2 -columnNames=x,xp

Code: Select all

sddsplot -sparse=10 -sameScale -graphic=dot,type=1 -columnNames=x,xp -omniPresent zero_field.out -graphic=dot,type=2 -topline=@plotTitle -columnNames=x,xp -split=pages -separate=pages
If I try to do this directly from the files it doesn't work either, the series of data is still on the bottom:

Code: Select all

sddsplot -sparse=10 -sameScale -groupBy=fileIndex -separate=fileIndex -graphic=dot,type=2 -columnNames=x,xp data/*.out -graphic=dot,type=1 -columnNames=x,xp -omniPresent zero_field.out
If I put the zero_field.out file and switches in front of the -sameScale switch I get only one panel. If I switch to fileString instead of fileIndex and reverse the order of the file references, it doesn't work:

Code: Select all

sddsplot -sparse=10 -sameScale -groupBy=fileString -separate=fileString -graphic=dot,type=1 -columnNames=x,xp -omniPresent zero_field.out -graphic=dot,type=2 -columnNames=x,xp data/*.out
Confusingly, in this case the data from the *.out files is red (type=1) and the data from the zero_field.out file is blue (type=2). I would have expected the colors to be consistent with the order in which I called -graphics and the file names, but it isn't.

If I start here:

Code: Select all

sddsplot -sparse=10 -sameScale -groupBy=fileString -separate=fileString -columnNames=x,xp -graphic=dot,type=1 data/*.out
I get the data from those files plotted in different panels plotted as red dots that I can page through, so far, so good. When I add in a reference to the baseline, I get an extra panel that I can page through, but now all of the plots are blue dots:

Code: Select all

sddsplot -sparse=10 -sameScale -groupBy=fileString -separate=fileString -columnNames=x,xp -graphic=dot,type=1 -columnNames=x,xp data/*.out -graphic=dot,type=2 zero_field.out
If I add -omniPresent switch just before zero_field.out, I get a single panel showing the data from that file in blue dots. If I add -columnNames=x,xp before -omniPresent (it is now repeated in the sddsplot command) I get blue dots for the data in the *.out files and white dots for the baseline case.

After all these permutations, I suspect that the -omniPresent flag forces the data to which it is applied to be on top. Is there a way to get it on the bottom, or a better way to display the data the way I want?

Posts: 403
Joined: 28 May 2008, 09:15

Re: Plotting paged data on top of a single data set using sddsplot

Post by soliday » 26 Jun 2020, 10:40

Try using -omniPresent=first
This will plot the baseline data first which will result in it being underneath the other data.

Posts: 34
Joined: 23 Jun 2009, 21:00

Re: Plotting paged data on top of a single data set using sddsplot

Post by foshea » 26 Jun 2020, 11:17

Ohh wow, thanks!

This option appears to be undocumented in the sdds toolkit manual, though the newest version I can find through google is from 2017: ... olkit.html

Thanks again!

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