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Issue with non-monotonic distribution supplied to sddssampledist

Posted: 05 Feb 2020, 08:39
by Billy_Kyle
Hi there,

I am trying to generate a customised distribution using sddssampledist but I am receiving the following error:
"random variate values not monotonically increasing for t_dist_400nm.sdds"

The distribution I am trying to create is a flat-top distribution with a sinusoidal modulation of a given wavenumber applied. This central distribution is flanked by two half-Gaussian tails, which are truncated to 4*sigma. This distribution is indeed non-monotonic, so I was wondering if there are any alternate methods within the sddstoolkit that will allow me to sample from this custom distribution. I have attached the relevant distribution file from which I attempt to sample. Here is an example of the command I use to sample the distribution:

sddssampledist t_dist_400nm.sdds my_dist.sdds -samples=1000000 -columns=indep=u,df=F,output=t,units=s,factor=1,offset=0

Any help you can provide with this would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Issue with non-monotonic distribution supplied to sddssampledist

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 13:46
by michael_borland

You just need to sort the distribution function data by the independent variable, e.g.,

Code: Select all

sddssort t_dist_400nm.sdds -col=u