What is the column "ParticelID" good for?

Moderators: cyao, michael_borland

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Sven Ackermann
Posts: 10
Joined: 08 Oct 2010, 04:07

What is the column "ParticelID" good for?

Post by Sven Ackermann » 11 Oct 2010, 04:18

I just read the complete manuals of elegant and SDDStoolkit, but couldn't find an answer, the expression "ParticleID" couldn't even be found.

My question is: What does the column "ParticleID" tell me? It seems to contain continuous numbers, but this order is interrupted now and then by huge numbers (like 10^9). Those with huge numbers also have either huge x,xp,y,yp,t or p (like 10^262) or very small ones (10^-262).

I think it would be a good idea to write some lines about the output elegant produces as it may be interesting for others also.

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Re: What is the column "ParticelID" good for?

Post by michael_borland » 11 Oct 2010, 07:36


The particleID column allows unique identification of each simulation particle. For example, if you have several WATCH elements and you needed to make plots of the coordinates at one location vs the coordinates at another, you'd use particleID to associate the particles across the watch points using the program sddsxref.

We'll add something to the manual.

I'm surprised that any particleID values would be 10^9 as you described. Can you post your input files so I can check this?


Sven Ackermann
Posts: 10
Joined: 08 Oct 2010, 04:07

Re: What is the column "ParticelID" good for?

Post by Sven Ackermann » 11 Oct 2010, 08:20

I figured out what was wrong: My computer had some difficulties with the region-settings, so he added dots, commas and ;s everywere. Now everything is right. When I displayed the figures, I saw my Excel messed it up. Now everything is fine.

But thanks for your fast help!

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